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"Hey Darryl!" I called out, he twirled on his tippy toes and looked behind him to see me. "Hey Zak" he grins with both of his hands in his pockets.

"It's snowing.." I smiled, "Yeah.." he replies.

"Do you want to walk home with me?" I ask softly. We haven't walked home together since 6th grade. "Sure why not!" He laughs.


We exited the school, it was shivering and the ground was full with snow. I tried catching one of the snowflakes on top of my tongue.

Suddenly I started to shiver, "Are you alright?" Darryl asks. "It's a bit chilly.." I mutter, "Here." He says. He takes off his sweater and hands it to me.

I smiled and wore it over my shirt, "Thanks.. how about you. Are you cold?" I looked up to the taller.

"It should be fine." He readjusted his glasses.

Shortly after I grabbed out my earphones; I handed him an earbud and started to speak. "Wanna give a listen?" I asked him, "Gladly." He answers.

We both inserted them in and started to listen, Lover - Taylor Swift.

God I loved him.

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