drunk words are sober thoughts

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My heart started to beat at a fast pace, I decided to act calm. "Cool, how did u find out?" I ask, "Well.. when you kissed me, what am I talking about? The times when you've kissed me." He blushes.

I felt my face flushing up. "Oh, are we friends still..?" I ask softly, "No."  I felt a small pit in my stomach, "Thats fine." I lie. "Why not more then best friends?" He reached for my left cheek, "Hu-" I spoke before getting cut off by his lips crashing against mine. It felt more passionate but yet a bit aggressive at the same time.

I kissed back and decided to just tag along. I grab his waist, pulling him in closer for more. Moments later we both pull away, both exhausted from the exercise.

"You know.. She told me about what I said at the party while I'm as drunk." He snickers. "Did you seriously not know drunk words were sober thoughts?!" He giggles, "S-Shut up!" I giggle with him. Play punching his shoulder softly. "I can't believe in a school bathroom." I sigh, "It smells like piss!" He exclaims. "It really does." I chuckle. It goes quiet for a while until I spoke up, "What's our status now..?" He looks up at me.

"Boyfriends?" He asks, a rush of adrenaline fills my body. "I would be glad to." I wink. We both headed out the toilets holding hands, we didn't care if people knew. As long as we are happy it should be fine.

that's the end woohoo

heather | skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now