well this is awkward

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I kept my eye on the clock. The smallest handle twitching every second, my foot tapped on the ground impatiently; I bit my lip and started to pretend I was continuing to draw in my note book. As soon as the minute hand reached 6 the bell rang. I sat sealed in my chair waiting for my teacher to dismiss us.

"Class is dismissed!" She calls out, everyone cheers and makes their way to the door. The door was crowded, elbows brushing against one another's. As soon as someone opened the door everyone fled out. Expect me. I stayed behind to put my papers in my folder. Mrs Smith sat at her desk waiting for me to go, "Come on Darryl and Zak hurry up!" She speaks.

My eyes lit up as soon as I heard Darryls name. I looked behind me to see Darryl finishing off his work, he looks up back at me and catches me staring at him. I clear my throat and look back at my folder, pretending like nothing just happened.

Shortly after we both exit the room at the same time. Hm? What a coincidence.

I need to go talk to him. I chase after him as he slowly walks away, facing his eye sight down to his converses. I then tap his shoulder, "Hey.." he mumbles. I wave back awkwardly, I hesitate a bit while I look for an answer. "C-Can we talk?" I stutter, he replies with a short nod.

I pull him over to the boys bathroom, double checking it's the boys this time.

"Well this is awkward.." I run the back of my neck, I look back at Darryl with his arms crossed. He obviously looks uninterested. "Heather and I broke up yesterday."

He instantly looks back at me "W-Why?" His head is slightly tilted now. "Cheater.." I mutter under my breath, "I'm sorry." The shorter looks up at me. "It's fine, kind of my fault." I awkwardly chuckle, I look back at Darryl for a reaction but instead his face is straight.

"So.. any updates?" I ask him quietly. Darryl responds "Well I've found something out recently." He rubs his forehead with his palm. I gave him the look of the what-is-it?

"I'm pan.. sexual?" He smiles awkwardly

part 2 next chapter

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