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Safaya was absolutely livid when I told her what had happened

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Safaya was absolutely livid when I told her what had happened. Actually, I think livid was an understatement. She was starting to scare me.

"What the fuck do you mean they left you on the side of the road, Rue?" She hollered before putting the car back into drive. Thankfully we weren't too far from home and I wouldn't have to deal with a pissed Safaya for long.

I laid my head against the window, just trying to enjoy the ride as much as I could. "Well I told them to drop me off here. Jules and I had a fight so I told Elliot I wanted to go home. I told them to let me out and then I called you." I explained to no avail. Safaya didn't care.

"No. No, you don't do that. Regardless of if you told them to leave you or not, they shouldn't have done that." Saf fumed. "It's dark as hell out here, some idiot was driving drunk in his Jeep and almost ran me off the road, what if that fucker hit you? Huh?" She turned her head to look at me, completely zoned out. My eyes were red and I hadn't been listening to a single thing she said. It was a dead giveaway. "Are you ... are you fucking high?"

"Huh?" I said.

She bit her lip angrily. "You smell like fucking alcohol, Rue. I'm beginning to think that you suddenly saying you were going to smoke weed was a cover." She muttered.

"No shit." I chuckled. "You were always the smartest one, you know that?"

As my sister turned the corner of our street, she used her free hand to slap me in the mouth. I really don't blame her though. I deserved it. "Goddamn, Rue! This shit isn't funny. Swear to God, you take life like it's a joke!" She screamed at me.

"Here we fucking go..." I said under my breath.

"Don't 'here we fucking go' me, you know I'm right!" She spazzed.

"No--Oh my God, Saf just shut the fuck up!"

"You need to get clean!"

"You've been clean for two seconds what the fuck do you know?"

"Ruey, you are so fucking lucky I'm trying to be a good sister because I want to beat your ass so fucking bad." She pulled into our driveway, shutting the car off and facing me with a death stare. "I know Fez doesn't deal to you anymore, so where have you been getting the drugs from? Huh?" She asked.

I had already disappointed the hell out of her and now she was beginning to piss me off like Jules. Anything I said, I didn't care for consequences. "Somebody that Fez knows fronted me a 10K suitcase." I shrugged it off. "But before that I was kinda using whatever Elliot had. That's how he and I met at New Years. Getting high in the laundry room."

"Elliot...." My sister blinked incredulously. "Are you serious right now?" Safaya's jaw dropped. "Rue, we've had too many near death experiences with that shit and now you want to sell it? You're literally insane."

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