Kitty Kat

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My relationship with Safaya had began to change.

It was the night of the Halloween party and my sister asked if she could walk with me. Admittedly, I was surprised she wasn't getting a ride with Nate. She was genuinely trying to start over with me, so, I said she could come. I was standing at the front door, forgetting how much of a diva my sister could be sometimes. We had to go pick up Lexi and we were already like ten minutes late even though she was simply around the corner.

*play Kitty Kat by Beyoncé*

"Saf! Come on, we gotta go!" I called out, checking my phone for the time. I really didn't give a fuck about being late to a party or whatever but I didn't want to end up caught in the rain or some shit. Plus my social meter was already running out and we hadn't even left the house yet.

I could hear a door close and her figure emerged from the hall. She had on a black latex Catwoman suit, black heels, and a matching facemask. She gripped a whip in her right hand and in the light I could tell her long nails were a silver chrome. Her curly hair had been straightened and put into a slick ponytail going down her back. To top it off she had sharp black eyeliner, long lashes, and the reddest lip I had ever seen.

My sister was beautiful, I always believed so, but seeing her finally do something for herself was stunning. She didn't ask anybody for their input or how she should style her costume, she did it on her own. Safaya was beginning to make decisions without the help of Nate and I don't know if she began to realize it yet.

"You do know we're walking right?" I asked, raising a brow. I hated walking in my high tops let alone some heels.

Safaya laughed. "Come on, Ruey. Give me a little credit."

And by the time we got to the party she complained how her fucking feet hurt and how she needed a drink to get her mind off of it. I told her to bring some flats but, some things about Saf weren't just gonna suddenly change.

Even though things between my sister and I were going well, Jules and I were on the outs.

You know when you're with someone and things just aren't right? But you're afraid to ask because the answer might be worse than the feeling right now. I tried grabbing her hand as we all walked down the street towards the party and she let my hand slip through hers. As if that wasn't enough, whenever Saf came over to talk she either ignored her or went to the opposite side of the street. I could tell that Saf figured out that she was the cause for Jules' strange behavior, but silently I begged her not to say anything. I just wanted a night of somewhat fun and so far this was fucking it up.

When we got to the party I lost my sister and Cassie in the crowd but I knew she was in the kitchen searching for something to drink. Since Fez stopped supplying her and her paranoia prevented her from going to any other dealer, she found alcohol as her more prominent way to cope with dependency.

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