Chapter Three

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I woke up with a gasp and tears streaming down my face. Nightmare. I got up and walked to my mom’s room. 

"Mom are you up?" I asked opening the door

"Well I am now.....what's wrong?" she asked sitting up in bed 

"Nightmare." I said climbing in bed and leaning up against her.

"Another one? Do you want to talk about it?" She started rubbing my back as tears once again started streaming down my face.

"Mom, just promise me one thing. Promise me that you will never leave me. "I stared into her brown eyes

"Honey I promise you that I will always be here right next to you. I will be by your side through all your struggles, heartbreaks, and even your good times. I will never leave you Ali you are my life!" She pulled me into a hug 

"I love you mom." I said hugging her back. 

"I love you too sweetie." 

We stayed hugging for a while until my mom suddenly sprung out of bed pulling me with her. 

"You do realize what today is right?" 

I looked at her in confusion until I looked at my phone Friday December, 5th. I screamed once I realized that today was finally the day of the concert.  

"That's right! The Gaze!" 

We walked down stairs to eat breakfast and we decided to spend the day pampering ourselves and getting ready for what we hoped would be the best night of our lives.

It was 2 o'clock and my mom and I were in her bathroom getting ready. I sat as she straightened my hair. 

"You know, you never did tell me what your dream was about." 

I cringed remembering the dream. "It was about you."

"Well that sure clears everything up" mom said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. 

I looked at her in the mirror. "I had a dream that you left. I don't really know where you went but when I got home you were just gone. I just had a feeling of pain, and sadness. It seriously was the worst feeling ever."

"Well stop thinking about that damn dream and live in the moment." She smiled at me through the mirror. "I'm here to stay."  

When she was done my hair we quickly did our hair and headed downstairs. We checked ourselves in the mirror one more time. I was wearing a pair on dark skinny jeans with a Gaze T-shirt that matched my mom’s T-shirt. With my hair straightened it fell down to my waist but it was already starting to wave at the ends. Curse my curly hair. I couldn't help but smile. We looked great! 

The clock said 5 and it took an hour to get there so we decided to leave now so we had enough time to find our seats and buy tour t-shirts. 

We walked out to the door to my mom’s little blue car. The drive to the concert was fun. We had the Gaze blaring in our ears the whole time.


Sorry this chapter is so short! Needed a little chapter before the concert. Hope your all enjoying! Love ya!


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