Chapter twenty-one

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I walked back into the living room searching for Jason. I looked around and I saw that nasty bimbo having a serious make out session in the corner. Who could she possibly be kissing? Did she have to hit on EVRRY guy at the party? My curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to get a better look and I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw Amber disheveled hair and bright emerald eyes. No.Effing.Way.

I felt a pain go through my chest. I slowly backed away until I ran straight into the wall. What the heck? He didn’t even know her! I mean he was just being so sweet and now he is just making out with another girl? Who the HELL does he think he is? He can’t go around flirting with me and then go make out with some SLUT! I mean… I know we weren’t like dating….and I DON’T like him…I really just don’t like him…..

I went searching for Jenni. I found her sitting at the counter drinking some water.


“Hey Ali, what’s wrong?”

“Psh…you sobered up fast.”

“I’m working at it.” She laughed.


“Ali what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing….” I said looking at the bottles of alcohol on the counter….”You know what. On second thought, I think I might have a drink.” I grabbed a bottle of something and took a swig. It burned.

“Woah there Ali that’s vodka.”

“I want to have fun. Might as well join in.”

“Well okay then! Let’s go live it up!”

We went back into the living room and I tried to forget about Jason….Who needs Jason. NOT ME!

I danced around still carrying my bottle of vodka taking sips here in there. Next thing I knew it was empty and I moved on to the next bottle. And then the next…..

I stumbled into the kitchen looking for more to drink. I ran right into Luke.

“Hey there Ali.”

“Luke! Oh my god I’m having so much fun!” I slurred.

“Ali? I thought you didn’t drink. What’s up?”

“Well I thought if HE could have all the fun he wants than so can I”

“Ali what are you talking about? You’re totally wasted…”

“Luke you know your kinda hot. Are you a superhero?” I slurred leaning in really close.

He laughed and shook his head. “You have super powers don’t you!”

“Ali we should probably get you to bed.” He said wrapping an arm around me.

As he did this I leaned in close trying to look into his eyes. “Luke, I love you.” Before he could answer I planted my lips to his. He pulled back.

“Ali your drunk, I’d prefer to kiss you when I know you actually mean it.”

“But Luke!”

“Wait here okay. I’ll be right back and I’ll take you upstairs.”

“Okay Lukey poo! Don’t step in the lava.”

“Okay Ali” he laughed.

When he was gone I stumbled around looking for a drink. I Saw Jason in the same corner talking to a group of people. His lips were swollen and his hair messy. Oh yeah! I almost forgot about him! What a jerk!

“Hey Jason!” I slurred stumbling over to him.

“Ali?” He looked at me concerned.

“You know I don’t even know why I like you! After what you did! After everything your band has put me through!”

“Ali? You’re drunk.”

“No I’m not!” I slurred. “Everything would be okay if I never even went to that concert! EVERYTHING is your fault! She would still be here if it wasn’t for you!” I swayed violently as tears began to flow down my cheeks. As I fell backwards I felt arms go around me and lift me up.

“Is she okay?”

“Looks like she had way to much to drink. It’s okay I’ll take care of her.”

“Wait what was she talking about….About a concert?”

“Uhhh Oh its nothing. She’s Drunk. She probably just made it up.”

“Lukey is that you. Will you show me your super powers now?”

“I’m gonna take her up to bed…”

“But I don’t wanna go to bed! I want to see your powers.”

I heard laughter and after that everything kinda blurred.


Jasons a player, what can I say? Ali's a funny drunk isnt she? I would love Luke to show me all of his powers...:) lol Anyway thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Love you!


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