Chapter Thirty Four

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Ever since then I was disappointed with myself. I felt weak, and cowardly. I saw at home to whole next week. Emma wouldn’t let me go to school. We didn’t tell anyone about what happened in fear that it would spread around.

On Friday night there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see a smiling Jason and Noah.

“Hey Ali!” Noah said. I ran and gave him a hug.

“Ive missed you!” I said squeezing him

“Oh I see how it is.” Jason said.

“You’ve been here practically everyday Jason.” I said rolling my eyes.

He laughed and kissed me on the lips.  “Okay Ali get dressed. We are going out.”

“We are? I thought I was on lock down.” I said excitedly.

“I talked to Emma. Now go get ready!”

I ran upstairs quickly. I pulled out a random blue sundress that Emma had bought for me. I put my hair in a braid and went back down stairs.

“Ready!” I said spinning around.

Jason gave me a once over. I blushed.

I went outside and gaped. On the drive way there were too motorcycles. One was silver and the other was red.

“Whats going on?” I asked. I didn’t know they could drive motercycles.

Jason pulled a paper out of his pocket. I grabbed it and opened it up. It was my bucket list!

“Are you serious?” I asked smiling.

“Im not going to rest until everything on this list is checked off.” Jason said grabbing both my hands.

I let myself get lost in his eyes. “Are you guys gonna stand there all night?” Noah said making a disgusted look.

“Your just jealous.” I said walking over to the red motorcycle.

Jason hopped on and handed me a helmet. “Are you sure this is safe….I mean maybe I don’t really need to do this….” I said getting nervous.

“Ali its okay. I wont let anything happen to you.” Jason said giving me a signature smirk.

I pulled the helmet and climbed on the back wrapping my arms around him with shakey arms. “You ready?” He asked.

“No.” I said.

He laughed and started speeding down the road. It was terrifying at first so I kept my eyes closed.

“Ali open your eyes!”

I opened my eyes and looked at the lights around me. Wind blue around us. I felt like we were flying.

“This is so much fun! Faster!” I yelled

He laughed and accelerated.

He stopped in front of a bunch of buildings. I got off and jumped up and down. “That was incredible!” I spun around.

Noah and Jason stood laughing at my reaction.

“So where are we?”

“You’ll see.” He said smirking.

We walked into a small building and I looked around. There was artwork everywhere and then I realized I was in a tattoo shop.

“Oh my god! Two in one night?” I laughed.

“How can I help you?” A man asked at the counter.

“All three of us want to get a tattoo.” Noah said.

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