So Wrong (gxg)

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"Congratulations!" My,mom said as she went over to hug my sister who had just found her mate today.

Great even my little sister had found her mate before me seems like everyone did.

I was the only one left in my family that didn't have one yet.

"Chloe come and give your sister a hug" her voice said breaking my thoughts.

I walked over to her hugging her.

She was much smaller than me she didn't get dads height that's for sure.

She had wavy hair,like mine and same ivory skin she was just a shorter version of me only other difference was our eyes.

While my sister like the rest of our family had our mothers soft blue eyes I got my fathers yellow ones.

"we should celebrate!"

My mother said cutting in once again"what do you think Chloe?"

Even if I were to say no she would say I'm just being silly and still do it.

"sure mom" I said with a big smile on my face.

While my mom and sister Cassey jumped up and down with excitement I made my way to my room.

Its not that I wasn't happy for them its just I didn't enjoy everyone being happy for finding there mate when I myself was alone. I was the only one who hadn't found their mate.

My brother Chase had found Taylor first day of high school.

Carmen and Oliver best friends when they were just pups turned out to be mates.

If you haven't notice mom had a thing for c's.

And now Cassey had met Nathan.

I was the only one left who was alone and boy did it suck.

I pulled out my phone to call my friend Kim.

"hey Chloe whats up!" she was always so happy.

"nothing just a little upset Cassey found her mate"

"oh...that sucks" she said bringing down her happy tone.

"Yup,I hate being around everyone here Im like the only one alone at least you have a boyfriend."

"come on you cant think like that you will find one eventually!" Her happy tone coming out again.

"yeah right I wish I could just go away for a while just to take my mind off being alone."

She stayed quite for a bit before responding.

"well if you want...."


I was packing my things getting ready for our big move.

I was just about done when my mom came into my room.

"honey are you almost done?" Her voice was calm as always.

"yeah mom I just wish we didn't have to go"

"I know but we are doing this for the team its only temporary we will move back right after"

"but mom why couldn't they send some other family?" I didn't understand why are family had to go looking for werewolves.

"honey" she said putting her arm around me"once we find and kill all those ruthless animals ae can come back."

She was right "ok mom the faster the better." I had never really killed one before so this gave me a chance to kill my first wolf.

I was looking forward to it too.

My mother left my room and I continued to put my things in boxes. When we were sure we had everything we headed off to our new place in Oakville.

As soon as we got there we unloaded everything it was late by the time we finished.

"okay hunny better get some sleep you can finish tomorrow anyways"

My mom was right I cleared my bed enough for me to sleep comfortable and fell asleep.

Ok so first chapter not to interesting I know but it shall get better anyways thanks for reading


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