Chapter 10

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I woke up to the sun in my face.

I was wondering where the hell I was when last night hit me.

I quickly turned to she that girl laying next to me her arms around my waist as she held me against her.

My eyes widen when I recalled the bite my arm flew to my shoulder.

I gasped was it just a dream I didn't have anything.
I noticed that I was fully clothed too looking around I noticed we were somewhere else it looked like a hotel room was it all a dream?

Pulling her arms from around me I managed to sit myself up.

My head was killing me I could have sworn I didn't drink but I wasn't sure what had happened seeing as I couldn't recall anything.

"You okay baby?" I looked over to see those diamond eyes looking back at me.

I couldn't understand the warm feeling in my stomach.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said smiling at her I couldn't help it I just felt happy.

"Hey maybe you could tell me what happend last night between us" I said pointing to us both.

"Well" she said sitting up and pulling me between her legs. I didn't fight it she made me feel safe and wanted.

"I asked you to be mine and you said yes so I bit you" she said resting her head on my shoulder.

"What do you mean bit?" I asked confused about it seeing as I didn't have a cut.

"I know you know I'm a wolf I could sense it last night while I was loving you" her voice growing softer as she reached the last words.

My eyes widen in shock I quickly moved away.

"Stay the hell away from me!"

"What why!?"
She asked trying to touch me but I moved away.

"Why did you bite me what do you want!" I said wanting to know the answers.

I was off the bed looking around for anything do defend myself with in case she attacked.

How could I be so careless and sleep with what I'm train to kill.

" I brought you here to my hotel room after I marked you I didn't want anyone disturbing you. The reason you let yourself was because your in love with me" she said answering all my question.
"And all I want is you that's it" she wanted me for what use?

'Your my mate' I was freaking out I know I heard her but not once did I see her lips move.

"I just met you last night there is no way Im in love with you!"

She got off the bed and the next thing I knew she was in front of me.

"I know I should have explained but I didn't want you to reject me i was scared besides I asked you first and you said yes."

Her speed scared me just a little.

"Are you going to kill me?" I said asking the only question on my mind.

I felt her thumb caress my cheek as she brought my gaze up to hers.
"I Swear I would never do such a thing" I don't know why but I knew she meant it.

I nodded and moved away from her.
"We can't do this" I said turning to face her.

"Why not don't you love me?" Her eyes showed so much pain.

"How can I love you when I just met you I don't even know a thing about you."

"Because we're meant to be together!"

"No where not I'm not meant to be with a werewolf and your not meant to be with a hunter!"
The moment the words left my mouth her eyes widen in shock.

Now she gets it.
"Oh shit god what is the matter with me this is like the biggest mistake I have ever made"

"Okay hey standing right here" I said starting to get a little upset at her words.

"Sorry" she said sitting down on the bed.

"It's fine will just act like we never met" I said sitting next to her she still looked amazing even naked she must sleep nude.

"We can't" her voice just above a whisper.

"What why?!" I said getting back up.

"It's permanent I marked you which in the wolf world is kind of like being married."

My jaw dropped "so your telling me that you and I are stuck together" I said pointing at the both of us again.

The nod of her head gave me my answer.

"You bitch!" I said lunging at her "why didn't you tell me before!" My attempt failed when she manage to catch me and flip me over on the bed.

Our breathing was erratic as she had both my hands pinned over my head.

"I did tell you last night remember."

"That's what I said yes to!?" She just nodded her head.

I sighed I knew she was a wolf this was my fault.

I looked up at her to see her gazing back.

We both stayed quite not saying another word.

I couldn't stop staring at her lips I wanted to feel them once again.
As if reading my thoughts she leaned down and our lips met.

I didn't know how I was going to get myself out of this mess but I needed to some how.


I texted my love as soon as I pulled up to her house.

Two minutes later she exited and I got out to open her door.
After closing it I entered the car as well.
"Hi" I said turning to her.
"Hey" she replied with a big smile.

I leaned in to kiss her I had missed her lips.

"You ready?" I asked.
"No" she replied looking down before in twining our fingers.

"Okay now I'm ready" she said smiling.

It was official our mate was adorable.

I took off till we got to the edge of the woods before getting down and opening the door for my girlfriend.

It feels great saying that. Once she was out I went to the backseat and pulled out a picnic basket.

"Uh Chloe not that this isn't nice and all but maybe we should go somewhere else" she said sounding worried.

"Non sense trust me I know these woods like the back of my hand" I say grabbing her hand and lead the way.

After about 15 minutes of walking we finally arrived at a clearing with a small stream running threw it.

"We're here" I said letting go of her hand and setting down the basket.

"Wow this is pretty nice." She said looking around my wolf feeling proud for impressing our mate.

"You going to sit down with me or stare all day" I asked as she went off into space.

"We'll as much as I love the view I wouldn't mind being next to you" she sat beside me.

She looked wonderful just sitting there the way the sun brought out her features left me in aww.

We began talking for an hour when something caught my attention.

As the wind blew I picked up an unfamiliar scent.
"We should probably go now" I said getting up and putting my hand out for her to take.

"What why?" Just as she asked a growl came from behind us I quickly moved Vince behind me.

I would die before I let anything happen to her I sniffed the air the scent stronger it was a rouge.

Out stepped a tan colored wolf barring its teeth at us.

I didn't know what to do I didn't want to scare our mate away after we just got her but I wouldn't risk her life.

"Vince I need you to walk away slowly and when you get the chance run okay" I said not taking my eyes off the rouge.


What was I supposed to do I couldn't kill a wolf in front of her how would I explain that.

"Vince I need you to walk away slowly and when you get the chance run okay" she said not taking her eyes off the wolf.

Was she serious just because she got a lucky shot on some guy doesn't mean she could take down a wolf.

"I said go Vince" her voice breaking me out of my panic.
Maybe I could sneak away and shoot it so she would never know.

That was the best idea I was getting so I started moving when all of a sudden the wolf ran towards us.

To late now I thought as I pulled out my weapon but I stopped.

I couldn't believe my eyes Chloe had changed.

Two wolves now fought and I recognized one.
The light grey one I couldn't understand how.

It occurred to me why her eyes were so familiar.

I had to kill them both but I wasn't sure if I could.

I watched as they bit and clawed at each other.
Chloe's wolf biting the other ones leg.
It let out a whimper and as she was going to attack again it bit down on her neck.

I watched as she struggled to get out but slowly she started going down.

I couldn't believe what I did
I fired 3 shots at the wolf.
It now laid still on the ground.
Chloe laid on the ground back to her human form.

Only this time she was naked and covered in blood.

I quickly ran to her as I put pressure on the bite on her neck.

"Your going to be okay" I told her.

I saw fear in her eyes as I ran up to her.
I could tell she was in pain and panicking so I tried calming her.

"Shhh your fine your going to be fine"
I said not even sure my self but just then I noticed the wound slowly closing.

Until finally it was completely closed.

The butterscotch eyed girl quickly backed away from me.
She was afraid of me but why.

"Your a hunter!" Her eyes were wide in disbelief.

"Me! Your the one that's a wolf!" I said pointing my gun at her.

Probably not the best move because as soon as I did she flinched.

"Sorry" I said pointing it back down.

"What do you want with me?"
Was she serious she's the one that kissed me.

"Your joking right last time I checked your the one that came up to me first" I said crossing my arms.

"Yeah but not to hurt you and clearly before I found out you kill my kind for a living." She had a point.

Then something came to mind "that night .when we first met why didn't you kill me?"

"Because I was waiting for you to come kill me first." she said sarcasiticly.

I got aggravated and pointed the gun back at her.


I can't believe she's a freaking hunter my wolf was cowering in fear at my anger at her.

In love with the kind that kill us for the hell of it.

What the hell was she thinking and now look at the position we were in.

When she raises her gun up at me again I knew I had to answer or I would end up like that rouge.

"Because I didn't" I said not wanting her to know that my wolf made a mistake.

"That's not a reason tell me!" Why was it so important to this girl.

"I couldn't." I said calmly why didn't she just shoot me why did she save me.

"But why I have to know since that day it's been bugging me" she said still trying to figure it out.

She looked like she was on the verge of crying her breath started to stagger.

Before I knew it she was falling to the ground my instinct kicked in and in a heartbeat I ran to catch her.

she lay limp in my arms I quickly checked her pulse to make sure she was still alive.

"Oh thank god!" I said as soon as I found it.

"Really a hunter" I said out loud to my wolf.
I should leave her thrown here she did try and kill me after all.

"Damit" I said letting my head fall.


I laid in my room waiting for Lauren who was in a meeting with my brother.

Yes an alpha only meeting.

Finally I heard the door open.

"Took you long enough!" I said sitting up.

"It wasn't that bad" my mate said wrapping her arms around me.

"What was it about anyways?"
"We'll we've heard some news about hunters being in the area you know just to keep our eyes open."

I just nodded. " I would never let anything happen to you" I said looking her in the eye.

"I know and I would never let anything happen to you." A smile took over her and she gave me a peck on the lips.

"Now lets go before we're late for the movie because I have patrol today." Getting my hand she pulled me off the bed and led me out the door.


I would do anything for this girl.
Daniel seemed pretty worried about the hunters.

From what we were told these hunters have been going around killing almost every pack they encounter.

I would kill any of them that tried to hurt my Ana.
Even if it cost me my life.

"Babe you okay"?" Her sweet voice breaking me out of my thoughts.
I looked to see a questioning look on her face.

"Yeah I'm fine just not looking forward to patrol is all" I said lying to her my wolf growling at me for lying to our mate.

"We'll you could always make someone else take your place you are alpha after all"

Now there's an idea "no I don't want to abuse my power."
I said telling the truth.
"Phhs I would." She said starting the car.
"And that is why your not an alpha" her face fell as I said that. "But you still love me right?" A smile appearing on her face.

"Why of course my selfish mate" I smiled at her as we finally took off.

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