Chapter 3

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The alarm on my phone went off letting me know it was time to get up.

I got up as I dismissed it and placed it back down.

I headed sleepily towards the bathroom to shower.

The warm water woke me up just a little more. After I was done I went through the clothes in my drawer it may have been my first day at a new school but I didn't plan on getting all dressed up.

Black v-neck and jeans would do it was something simple that would keep me from getting noticed.

I had decided to put my wavy hair in a high ponytail to keep out of my face. A Little bit of makeup and I was ready for school.

"Mom Im ready" I said going to the kitchen where I knew she would be she loved to cook.

The smell of food hit my nose as soon as I opened the kitchen door. My dad was sitting at the table already.

The only trait I got from him was my black hair except his was short with a couple of white strands  and unlike mine it wasn't wavey.

"Ok hunny give me a minute let me just serve you." My mom was a kind women when she wanted to be.

"Its okay mom I'm not really hungry right now"

My mom turned around raising an eyebrow and spoke "Vincetta I made this food for you so you will eat it."

There was no way I could ever win this argument with my mother "yes mom".

After breakfast my mother drove me to school as soon as I was about to exit she spoke "now Vincetta you know if its to much for you just give me a call and I can come get you".

My mother was always cautions of me when it came to my heart problem. "Mom I'll be fine"

" Oh alright do you atleast have your medication?"

"yes mom" 

"what about your phone?"

"I got that too" I said showing it to her.

"Okay make sure to call if you need anything okay?"

"yes mom I know I'll be fine don't worry" I said getting off before she could say anything else.

I was inside the school office waiting for my schedule when another girl came in.

Long wavy brown hair was all I could see from where I was.

"hi I'm Chloe Matthews I'm new here."

"Vincetta Holender?"

"yes" I said turning my attention to the approaching councilor.

"Follow me please."she said heading to down a hallway to my left.

I got up and followed the middle aged looking women.

We came to a complete halt in front of a door that said Mrs. Rinder.

The women opened the door and led me into the tiny office.

"go ahead and take a seat while I print out your schedule."

I sat there for about 5 minutes until she handed me a paper.

"Here you are Vincetta I'm Mrs.Rinder I will be your guidance councilor if you ever need to talk I will be here."

I simply nodded my head and left the office on my way out I bumped into someone but didn't stop.

"I'm..Sorry" came a soft voice but I didn't bother looking at the person.

"Okay?" Was the last thing I heard as I headed out the office door.

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