Chapter 12

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I woke up with a huge headache I was on some hard cold concrete floor. I slowly got up trying not to pain myself seeing as my entire body was in pain.

I sat up looking at my surroundings I was in some kind of cell. I took a deep breath trying to stop myself from panicking.

I heard a small groan before realizing that Lauren was with me.

I made my way to her naked body that was still laying on the floor.

"Lauren come on get up." I said shaking her a bit.

It was no use she still laid there unconscious.

"Lauren!" I tried yelling and slapping her cheek repeatedly but it was still pointless.

"She took more shots than you so her body is taking longer to burn through the sleep medication."

I turned to see Vince standing there with some clothes in hand.

"You, this is your fault!" I said charging at her but not being able to go through the bars. I felt the electricity running through them. I fell to the floor gasping for breath.

"I didn't do this I tried to warn you!" she said her eyes watering.

"We'll look what good that did us if you hadn't shown up none of this would have happened I sould have just left you to die when I had the chance" I said coldly.

I watched as she shook her head and headed to the opening of the cell. There was a small slot were they could pass things through.

"Here" she said handing me the clothes through the slot.

Our finger tips touched and in that instant I felt sparks through out my body. My wolf just wanted to be with her no matter what hunter or not so why couldn't I except that.

About to pull the clothes away I felt her wrap her finger around mine.

"I will get you out of here I promise." I didn't know if I should believe her or not but the look in her eyes told me I could.

I got dressed in the jeans an t-shirt that were given to me and left the other pair next to Lauren.

I just sat there looking down at my hands fighting with my self about Vince .

About an hour passed when Vince came back again carrying plates of food.

Lauren was still out cold and I still sat in the same spot.

I heard the cell door open and watched as she put the plates down.

Now was my chance I could take her down and get me and Lauren out of here.

"Please don't" she said approaching me to where I was seated. I should have ignored her and done it but I couldn't my wolf wouldn't let me.

Kneeling down in front of me we were face to face.

I couldn't break away from her gaze this happened every time I don't know why but she always had me hypnotized.

I shouldn't have but I just couldn't resist anymore my wolf had been fighting against me.

Finally she had won when I reached behind her head and pulled her towards me our lips meeting one another.

It must have surprised her because she didn't kiss back at first but didn't hesitate after.

We kissed each other hungrily her arms immediately wrapping around my neck pulling me closer.

The kiss was heating up quickly I bit her lip causing her to moan my wolf growled at the wonderful sound.

I slid my tongue in her mouth causing another moan to escape how could I have been so cruel and mean to her.

I could hear my wolf telling me to take her and mark her right there.

While I was throwing the idea around my head we heard a growl. Quickly we both pulled away to see Lauren waking up she looked up to see me and Vince.

I knew what would happen next Lauren got up and charged at Vince only before I could even jump in front to protect her Vince managed to quickly move out of the way elbowing Lauren in the neck and pinning her face down.

I just looked at her shocked when the hell did she learn to do that?

"Calm down I'm not going to hurt you" she said to Lauren as she struggled to get out.

" I don't believe you!" she said still trying to break free how was it hard for her to get up.

"Tell her Chloe" I don't think what I say would matter my wolf challenged her there is no doubt she would come after me next.

"tell me what?" I took a deep breath before speaking "Lauren" I said looking at her "Vince is my mate" I held my breath waiting for her to rip my head off.

"who the hell is Vince?" she said as Vince released her. "um that would be me" I watched as she turned to look at her before turning back to me.

"you slept with my mate when you already had one!" she said tackling me to the floor.

"no that was before!" I said shutting my eyes and waiting for the beating that never came.

I opened my eyes to see my wonderful mate holding her down again "oh thank god" I said releasing my breath.

"don't thank him yet explain the whole sleeping with her mate to me" that's right Vince didn't know.

"It was before I met you she rejected her mate and well one thing led to another and we slept together but I had no idea I would even be staying with her or her mate" I said looking at Lauren.

Vince let go of Lauren who just walked away and began getting dressed.

"I can't believe you a HUNTER!" she said yelling the last part like I didn't already know.


why couldn't they just get over the fact that I was a hunter I was after all trying to help them even though they were wolves I wondered as they began arguing with each other.

Maybe she was just being hard on her for sleeping with her mate I would be upset to it still shocked me though that they find someone to be with forever no matter what.

The things I feel for Chloe weren't natural like how every other human felt for one another these guys devoted there whole lives to each other.

I looked over at Chloe who was still arguing she was so cold and heartless to me these past days yet I was still willing to help her out.

She was the first person I could actually say I had strong feelings for maybe even love was that why I wanted to help her just because we were "meant" to be together what if her feelings were just her wolf and not really her I shook the thoughts from my head and decided to stop the arguing.

"Look I will get you two out of here I promise just give me time to think of a plan." I said silencing them and heading back towards the cell door.

"well I better go before-"

"before what Vince you get caught?" we all turned to see Emma standing on the other side of the cell.

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