Chapter 21

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Shots were fired at me as I ran straight for Emma's dad The leader of the hunters.
We had manage to sneak up on them with my pack sneaking up from behind them.
While Daniels pack approach them from the front.
I continued to run in my wolf form as everyone was finally reaching him snapping at his left arm that held the gun.
He quickly moved out of the way before I could get him.
Swiftly turning around and lunged back at him only to miss again he was quick. Firing again I rapidly moved out of the way and ran at him again my goal was to stay as close as possible not giving him time to aim and shoot at me.

I lunged to his right tricking him only to quickly change direction and snap at his right arm.

Finally gripping on I bit down causing him to drop his gun. With evey intention to rip his arm clean I bit down harder but before I could he managed to pull out a dagger and attempted to strike.

Immediately I let go only to have him graze my snout.
I tried not to focus on the stinging caused by the silver blade knowing it will take awhile to heal.

I ran back at him only for him to avoid my bite again I let out a whimper as he swung his blade getting me on my right back leg.

This man was a lot harder than the first few I took down he knew what he was doing.
I had to find some way to get an opening and end him.


I was with Laurens pack as we attacked from behind I quickly jumped on the first hunter I could reach. Biting down at their neck giving them a painful death as blood rushed into my mouth.

Quickly releasing the body I swung at the next hunter tearing at his chest.
Running to the left as I dodged a hit from another before charging and jumping grabbing hold of his arm and throwing him across the field hitting another hunter.

I continued to tear down through hunters taking down as many as I could before they began to surround me.
Moving with haste I managed to avoid the bullets until one managed to graze me.
Making me run into one of the hunters and knocking her down as I fell to the ground.

Just as they were about to shoot again they began to go down Chloe had managed to run through them taking them down with no mercy. Scrambling to my feet I began helping her.

We were back to back as we attacked any that tried surrounding us. Seeing one of my pack members go down I charged at the hunter biting the side of his waist.

I looked over at my mate when I heard her whimper to see her fighting Emma's dad he managed to get her snout.

I tried to get to her to be blocked by two more hunters I began growling at them.

They had knives instead of guns I ran at them only for both to move at the same time quickly turning back I was met with a kick to my snout.

Shaking my head I backed up seeing double James quickly took the hunter to my left while my brother took down the one to my right.

'Ana are you okay' my brother spoke through our mind link
'yeah thanks'
I responded watching as he went at another hunter that was about to give the final blow to one of our pack member.
As my vision began to clear I was tackled to the ground by another wolf that had been shot while jumping.

quickly scrambling to my feet I continued to fight any hunter in my way trying to get to my mates side.


I was relived that Krista had made my mate stay behind with our younger pack members and didn't let her fight.
Being new to the whole wolf thing she wouldn't really know how to fight and would probably get herself killed.

I had so far managed to kill a few hunters not like Ana who was taking them out like a pro.
Eventually the hunters caught on because they began to surround her I made my way towards her.
When they finally managed to trap her they began shooting after seeing her go down I felt myself pick up the pace as I sprinted to help her.
Taking them out with no hesitation I to free her up and joining her as we bit and clawed through anyone that came near.

After she took off I began helping whoever I could to take down the hunters I made sure to keep an eye on Ana.
'DANIEL!' I spoke through the link getting his attention he turned to look at me. 'your sister!'
He quickly ran over to help as James noticed and went to aid her.

I looked continuing to fight I could feel my body start to ache from all the hits I was taking.
Fighting against a girl hunter who had what looked to be a baton only to have electricity going through.
"Here doggy doggy" she spoke with a smirk taunting me I lunged missing as she rolled out of the way.

I began circling her never taking my eyes off her as she did the same striking again but only biting air she managed to move and hit me sending a jolt of electricity run through my body.
Landing straight down I felt my body twitching with the after shock.

"you missed me mutt." god this girl was starting to get to me.

I stood up still feeling my body wobble as if all my energy was taken from me.
Attacking again I felt my body get hit with the same amount of electricity making me fall once more.

Only this time I couldn't stand back up my strength had left me I couldn't control my body enough to stop the spasms.

Feeling my body weaken I phased back into my human form not being able to stay in my wolf form.
I turned over to see the girl standing above me with that sinister smirk raising her arm again she brought it down to deliver the finishing blow.
With as much strength as I could muster I brought my leg back and swung it tripping her as she dropped the baton giving me time to get to my feet.

Picking it up I limped over towards her "you dropped something" I said as her face showed fear.
Before I cold even strike her I heard a yelp turning to see Ana limping towards something only to be stopped by more hunters.
Turning towards Krista I saw her on the ground unconscious as Emma's father raised his hand that held the dagger.


I was at the pack house with Emma the Alphas wouldn't let us fight so we stayed behind with all the other much younger wolves.
Currently pacing back and forth outside they had been gone for awhile I couldn't shake the bad feeling that I had.

"Vince chill I'm sure they are fine have you seen our girls fight they can handle themselves."
I know she's right Chloe was pretty tough but when the thought of the girl I love possibly dying crossed my mind I could only worry as tears would threaten to fall at the thought alone.
Taking deep breaths I began to relax only to feel a sharp pain in my chest I cried out in agony.

"Vince whats wrong!?" Emma exclaimed running towards me as I feel on my knees due to the excruciating pain.
Tears fell from my eyes as I struggled to breath "hey look at me whats wrong?" as soon as the pan subsided a little I spoke up.

"Its Chloe somethings wrong!" I said through the tears"I have to be with her" gathering my strength before Emma could stop me I changed and ran as fast as I could to where the fight was at.
With only one person on my mind I was not stopping until I reached her.

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