Chapter 9

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I was in my room getting ready when Emma barged in.

"What do you want?"my tone filled with annoyance.

"Just wanted to see what you were doing."

"I'm getting ready now you know so get out"

Next thing I knew I felt arms go around my neck from behind.

"You could stop being like that after all I'm not the same way I was in training." She nibbled on my ear as she spoke.
"And your a lot hotter now" she said giving me a lustful look.

I didn't know whether to be grossed out our go with it.

I pulled her hands from around my neck and pushed her against the wall.

Are bodies touching as my face neared hers and I felt her hot breath against me.

"Not interested" I said pushing away from her.

Just then I heard a buzz I looked to see that it was coming from Emma.

"What loser is texting you" I said as I pulled up my hair.

She stepped right next to me and spoke making eye contact with me through my mirror "Chloe"

A smile appeared on her lips before she left my room.

I could have sworn I felt my heart break.


I texted Emma as soon as I pulled up in front of my mates house.

She came out in short white shorts and a light blue v-neck that revealed her breast a little.

I watched as she approached the car until another car caught my attention.

Just then Vince came out wearing a button up plaid shirt with skinny jeans.

I noticed her hair up in a pony tail why had she never worn it up with me she looked beautiful.

My eyes followed her to the car in front of me until she entered it.

"Now that your done checking her out can we go" gosh my wolf hated this rude girl. Luckily her looks were enough to get my attention.

I started the car and we took off as soon as we got there it was packed.

We entered the house I leaned over to Emma and spoke. "I'm going to get us something to drink."

I took off heading for the kitchen when I turned around to make sure she wasn't looking I took off in another direction.

I could smell Her it was faint due to everyone else's scent but I knew it was her.

I followed it up the stairs shoving passed all the bodies until I found her.

She was with the guy only this time with his tongue down her throat.

I couldn't believe it my wolf was angry I clenched my fist and ran.

I headed to the kitchen and found a bottle of vodka I took it and drank as much as I could.

As soon as I put it down I could feel the burning of my throat.

"Hey slow down there" Emma said as she took the bottle from me.

"Are you o-"

Before she could finish I crashed my lips to hers.

I pulled away catching my breath.

"Wanna go somewhere we can be alone?"

As soon as she nodded I was leading her to an empty bedroom.

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