Chapter 20

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Me and Daniel had called both packs for a meeting.

Now that everyone had finally arrived we decided to start the meeting.

"As you all know in just two days we will be having a battle with the hunters that have not only invaded our territory but also captured and attacked some of out own." Daniel spoke with his alpha tone.

"We have been preparing for this thanks to the information that we have been given we should be able to defeat them so for tonight we shall feast and spend time with our loved ones. You all have earned it."

With that we head to the dinning hall and ate Ana of course sat beside me.
I was happily eating when I felt her hand glide up my thigh.

'What do you think your doing?'
I said through our mind link.
'How bout we go somewhere else?'
I raised my eyebrow as she simply got up grabbing my hand and leading me outside. no one noticed of course because they were all to busy doing there own thing.

"Where are we going?" I said as she lead me out the back door.

"You'll see" she said giving me a quick wink and turning back to lead the way.

After about 10 minutes of walking we ended up at a near by lake.
"What are we doing here?" I said as she came and wrapped her arms around me from behind.
"Look" she said moving me closer to the water.
"What am I-" next thing I knew I was in the water.

I brought my head up from the water to be greeted with Ana's laughter.

"What the hell!" I yelled as she ran and dived in splashing in front of me.

As soon as the water became still I looked around but found no sign of her "Ana?"


I knew she couldn't smell my scent because of the water I stayed underwater and managed to swim behind her.

I pushed myself out of the water and wrapped my arms around her as she let out a little squeal.

"Ana don't do that!" She turned in my arms and hit my chest with her hand as I laughed.
"But you look so adorable when your get scared."

"Let's see if you think I'm still cute when I'm kicking your butt." I quickly swam away as she swam right after me.

I managed to run out of the water but before I could take off she managed to jump on my back making me fall.

"Got you!"

"Oh really because from the looks of it" I said flipping us over so I was now straddling her "I got you."

I leaned down to kiss her lips before pulling back and looking into her eyes.
I loved this girl more than life itself and knew I didn't want to be without her ever.

"Marry me?"


After the pack meeting and the food me and Vince went up to the roof of the pack house.

I say there with Vince in between my legs leaning her back against me as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey Chloe?"
"Yes my love?"
"What happens after the fight?"
I pulled back as she turned to face me.
"What do you mean?"
"Like with us do we just live happily ever after?"
She said turning back around and looking up at the stars.

"You make it seem like a bad thing " I said nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck.

"It's not but there are some stuff I wouldn't mind doing."

"Really like what?"
"Well..I do want to finish school and go to college maybe actually work I don't know really but I want to be able travel before actually just settling and staying in one spot."

I nod my head in understanding
"We can do whatever you want on one condition"

She turns to look at me "and what's that?"
"No matter what you do or go that we do it together we can explore the entire world so long as I get to be by your side"

"Always" she said kissing my lips.

I couldn't wait to actually start enjoying my life with my wonderful mate without having to worry about anyone trying to hurt her.

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