Chapter 22

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I arrived only to find Chloe on the ground struggling to breath. In James's hand

At that moment no one mattered and no one existed I ran to be right beside her.
"What happened!?"
I asked as I saw all the blood coming out of her chest.

"I-I don't know" He said with panic in his voice.

"Hey,hey look at me" I said grabbing hold of her face"you're going to be okay" my voice cracked as tears poured out of my eyes.

She had to be okay I needed her to be okay because I needed her.

I stroked her face as I watched her slowly start to shut her eyes. "No,no Chloe look at me keep your eyes open for me."

It was no use the moment they shut was the moment she stopped struggling. It was the moment that my world felt like it was ripped away from me.
It was the moment that my heart broke. It was the moment when I lost control.

I kissed her one last time before standing up and going after any hunter I saw.
I stayed in human form as I went and picked up the weapons of the dead.

I would make them pay, all of them If they can take her life I would take theirs.

One by one I killed them quickly my anger growing which each body that fell.

This was to easy I was one of the top of my class as a human alone so now having the strength of a wolf I was a lot harder to take out.


I manage to get to Lauren but not before Chloe did attacking Emma's dad and getting stabbed in the process.
Daniel was facing him at the moment "hey wake up" I said lightly hitting the side of my mates face.
She had been knocked unconscious.

Opening her eyes she began to panic "what happened?"
She spoke as she scanned herself.
"You were unconscious and he was going to kill you!" I said starting to panic myself realizing I almost lost her.
"I tried to get to you but I couldn't but Chloe she,she did" I finished as my voice trailed off.

We both looked over to see James holding Chloe as Vince assured her that she would be fine.

I was sure Vince felt it that's why she was here.
We watched as Chloe stopped struggling and simply laid there.
Lauren began to try and stand helping her as much as I could she started heading towards Chloe.


Only a few remained after I was done the ones that were left were in combat with a pack member already.

I made my way to the leader I was ending this now.
I watched as he took Daniel down with ease.
Raising his hand in the air ready to deliver the final blow I threw a blade hitting his hand and dropping the blade he held.

"Who the hell!?" turning to the side he turned to face me. "Well look who we have here I thought I had gotten rid of you, no matter I'll take care of you like I did your little girlfriend"

Anger and hate filled me completely as he spoke those words it was him he took her away.
"I'll kill you" I spoke as I charged towards him.

Swinging towards his face he ducked ready to deliver a blow to my stomach only for me to move to the side elbowing the back of his head.
Turning around I ran ready to attack again only for him to pull out a gun and begin shooting.
Running around trying to avoid the bullets he ran out. Slowly made my way closer to him as I drew out my nails.
He wanted to fight unfairly so would I.
Pulling out another blade he charged at me as I grabbed his wrist and snapped it.

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