Chapter 6

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So I have decided to dedicate this chapter to miss sara_shu or as she says just Sara cuz shes actually an awesome person who always listens when I need someone to talk to even if its just to vent YOUR THE BEST :D



As soon as the,last bell had rung I headed out my class.

Chloe was outside my class door.

"Its creepy how you do that" I said walking with her.

All day everyday so far she had been meeting me at my classroom door. I swear people are going to start getting the wrong idea about us.

Then again I wouldn't mind having someone as pretty as her I quickly get the thoughts out of my head I shouldn't be thinking things like that about my friend. For some reason lately I just couldn't stop thinking about her.

"so what are you doing after this?" She said breaking me out of my thoughts as she leaned next to my locker.

"nothing that I know of why?" I turned to face her she looked good just standing there. No  I did not think that!

As she was about to speak someone interrupted.

"Hi there" I tall boy with short blond hair stood in front of us.

"um..hi?" Who was this guy.

"my names Tyler and that over there is Max" he said pointing to another guy not as tall with black spiky hair. "We were wondering if you two wanted to hang out with us."

he said as his eyes ran up and down Chloe. Was he really checking her out.

I could feel jealousy rising in me but I quickly shook it off.

When I was about to answer him Chloe spoke.

"I'm sorry Tyler" she said putting her hand on his chest and speaking in a flirty tone. What was she doing I thought as she continued. "but me and my friend here have plans already." she said with a smile.

we did I didn't know?

"that's cool another time then can I at least have your number." He said turning to me and checking me out He was pretty cute but I had no interest in him for some reason all I ever wanted was Chloe. At least I think so Because I kept having all these thoughts of her.

Chloe stepped in front of me and held out her phone "How about I get yours?"

I couldn't help at get a little upset of course she liked him I didn't even have her number yet. Ugh why do I even care I should be focused on finding the pack house.

I wasn't allowed to go with my parents anymore because of what happen two weeks ago so I had been staying home.

"you ready" she said to me I didn't even notice when the guy left.

"Yeah" I said to her closing my locker

"Wait ready for what?" I asked turning to her.

"Our plans silly" she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the school doors


 I opened my 2008 metallic blue corvette car door for her to get in she simply laughed and shook her head.

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