Chapter 11

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I have no clue what I was thinking bringing her here I put everyone at risk.

I would have left her but my wolf refused to do so.
Your going to get us both killed. I told her she just snapped at me to shut up.

I rolled my eyes at myself yes I realize having a wolf makes us seem crazy.

I looked back at Vince who was still passed out on my bed. Something was wrong with her heart I could hear it beating randomly.
It is getting back to normal as time passes.

I stared at her she was so peaceful just laying there.
How could I not be in love with this girl.

'I told you' my wolfs voice rang in my mind.
"Yeah yeah" I said out loud.

I turned and walked out I had patrol today.
Best part I'm pared up with Lauren joy.

'Well if you hadn't slept around we wouldn't be having a problem' she was really starting to get to me.

"Well I didn't see you objecting to Ana now did I"
My wolf stayed quiet.
"That's what I thought"

I went down to the kitchen to get her something to eat seeing as she would need her strength.

As I was down there I had run into some guy eating away at a huge sandwich.

He looked up at me and with his full mouth spoke.
"Want some" I just laughed and nodded my head.

As I was making a sandwich he continued "your Chloe right?"
"Yeah I am and you are?" I said trailing off.

"I'm James" he said taken another bite.

"Nice to meet you James why haven't I seen you around before.?"

"Simple I'm from the other pack"
"Oh" was all I said.

"Now I understand why Lauren is so jealous of you with Ana."

He knew about that I didn't think anyone did.
"How do you-"
"Lauren's best friend" he said pointing at himself.

I just nodded "don't worry I have nothing against you" he said with an adorable smile.

"Thanks" I said before finishing up.
"Nice meeting you James"

I said leaving the kitchen with my hunters food.

By the time I got up to the room she was already up and sitting on the bed.

"Where am I?" Her voice sounding sleepily.

"The pack house."


"The pack house"
The moment she said that my heart sank.
This is what my parents and group have been trying to find and its where she brings me.

I didn't want to think about that right now though I had other things on my mind.

"What happened?" I asked not remembering how I got here.

"You passed out so I brought you here." She said coldly.

"Oh..I thought you would have left me there" I said in all honesty.

"Oh trust me I would have if it weren't for my good for nothing wolf." She said pausing for a bit before continuing "what's wrong with your heart?"

"How did you-"
"I can hear it" she said cutting me off.
I took a deep breath before explaining.

"I have Ventricular Tachycardia." She just gave me a blank stare so I continued.
"It's a fast heart rhythm from one of my ventricles if I don't take my medication I could either go into cardiac arrest or I could die."

"Of course just another reason to feel sorry for the hunter." She said rolling her eyes.

I had,had enough of this.
"Okay why are you being such a bitch your supposed to be my girlfriend."

I know it should have been the last thing I say but just because she was a wolf didn't change anything for me.

It should have but for some reason it didn't change how I felt about her.

"What did you just say?" She asked not sure if she heard correctly.

I sighed "I'm sorry for calling you a bitch."
"No no not that part the girlfriend part"

"What about it?" I asked trying to avoid it.

She moved closer to me till she was standing in front of me.

"We're supposed to kill each other I may like you but I don't trust you."

What was she trying to say "I saved your life I could have killed you but I didn't."

"That doesn't matter Vince, you think this hasn't happened before it has!" She said moving back "and let me tell you in the end the hunter always kills the wolf"

"Then kill me right now!" I said standing up "save us both the trouble!."
"I can't!"
"Why not!" I said pushing her back.
"BECAUSE YOUR MY MATE!" she yelled pushing me back with her body.

My eyes widen that's why she hasn't killed me and that's why she started talking to me. It all made sense now everything she did. I never thought the whole mate thing was real just some stupid legend. That meant one thing though.

"Your in love with me?" I said trying to catch her gaze.

"No my wolf may love you but I don't, I don't want to be your girlfriend and I don't love you." Her words hurt me more than anything I had ever felt.

I could feel the tears running down my face.
I watched as she turned to leave before she stopped.

"I will take you home after you eat." Then she left I felt my heart shatter.


Me and Kim were outside Vince's house.
"Your going to forget what happened I can't be with you." I said turning to face her.

"You keep saying that but I don't believe you." A smile covering her face.

"Oh shut up" I said kissing her then pushing her away.

"I will call you later." I said getting out of her car.
Yes I know I shouldn't but I can't help it I feel like I have to be with her because she marked me so our bound is much stronger. She explained everything to me after we were done the second time.

Even the fact that Chloe was a wolf too I still couldn't believe it wait till Vince found out about that.

I just didn't know what to say to my father. I was fine with still hunting them so long as it just wasn't her. I entered the house and ran into Vince's parents.
"Where have you been" her father asked.
"I was out is Vince here?" I asked needing to talk to her.

"No she left with a friend this morning." I just nodded my head.

"Where are you all going?" I asked noticing there attar.
"We are going to look for the pack house care to join?" Her mother asked.

"Sure let me just get changed" I then ran up the stairs to change.


We pulled up to my house the sun was starting to set.

"Chloe please" I said pleading with her she hadn't spoken to me since our argument.
"Stop just get out I have patrol and I'm already late." Her tone was harsh I just nodded and got out.

She pulled away not bothering to make sure I was inside.

I went to the kitchen to get some aspirin for the headache I had when I saw a note.

went out hunting be back later foods in the fridge-
Love mom

My eyes widen Chloe was going to be out there.
I dropped the note and I tried calling her with no luck she was ignoring me. I couldn't risk losing her. I got the spare keys to my dads focus and drove off as fast as I could to warn her.


I finally got back to the pack house and headed out back.

I was met with two different colored angry eyes.

"Your late" Lauren snapped at me.

"Sorry alpha it won't happen again" I said with my head down showing my submission.

"Alright be very careful during patrol we have word of some hunters in the area any sign of them should be reported ASAP got it."

"Yes alpha" everyone said in unison.

Before phasing and heading out the entire time I couldn't focus.

My mind was on my mate what I had said to her kept replaying.

'I don't want to be your girlfriend and I don't love you'

I could see the hurt on her face I don't know why I was so harsh.

'You never know it could work' my wolf said to me.

No it couldn't when the wolf least expects it the hunter would kill it right after they got what they wanted.

'Not if we marked her first' I hadn't thought about that.

What if I marked her there was no way she would be able to kill us or any wolf for that matter.

From what I heard the hunters were never marked. Our bound would be much stronger that she would never be able to hurt us only love us.

Just then a scent broke me out of my thoughts I had smelled it before.

I couldn't place it till a thought broke in my mind.
'Everyone regroup the hunters are here be careful make your way back to the pack house'

I quickly turned away when another scent caught my attention I knew this one very well it was much closer.

I turned in the direction waiting to confront her.

Her breathing was off as she appeared.
"Chloe!" She said trying to catch her breath. My wolf was happy that she remembered us.

Until we saw her grasp her chest and lean back against a tree.

I quickly phased going to her and grabbing the sides of her face.

"Hey,hey,hey calm down" I said capturing her gaze.

Her breathing was still off I could tell she was struggling "Vince breath" her eyes were focusing on mine as her breathing slowed until it was back to normal.

She looked down but quickly raised her head with wide eyes.
I looked down and remembered I was naked.

"What are you doing here its dangerous" I said crossing my arms.
"I came to warn you that my parents and Emma are out here hunting."

Emma was a hunter to I should have guessed.
"I know I can take care of my self."
"You don't have to act like that I'm only trying to help!"
She said raising her voice.

"We'll I don't need your help!"
I quickly turned around when I heard a growl.

Lauren stepped out in wolf form eyes locked on Vince.

The alpha was about to charge at her when I quickly phased and stepped in front.

'What are you doing move out of the way she is one of them.'

No doubt I was scared I could get killed.

'I said move!' Her voice louder.

'I-I can't' I said helplessly.
'Move' this time she used her alpha command.

My wolf struggled but managed to fight against it.

This only meant one thing I was challenging her.
Me and my wolf were positive we would die but we wouldn't let her hurt our mate.

She was about to attack when a shot got our attention.

"Shit I missed" came the familiar voice of Emma.
A man was about to fire at Lauren when I quickly jumped in front of her taking the hit I watched in a blur as she attacked him right after.

Until she was shot as well By the other two. Suddenly everything began to fade.
The last thing I heard was the voice of her mother.
"Vincetta what on earth are you doing here!"


I got word from a pack member that the hunters were around I gave the order for everyone to fall back not wanting to lose anyone.

When I arrived everyone was there almost everyone.
'Wheres Chloe?' I asked no one seemed to know.

I tried calling her but she didn't answer I may dislike her but that doesn't mean I didn't care about her.

I quickly ran back picking up her scent and following it.

"-help!" Was all I heard by the time I found her why wasn't she in her wolf form?
Maybe she was trying to distract her I stepped out ready to attack when I stopped.

Why was she in front of me? I spoke through my mind link.

'What are you doing move out of the way she is one of them.'
She didn't say anything she still stood there.

'I said move!' My voice louder running out of patience I didn't have time for her games.

'I-I can't' she finally said fear clear in her voice.

'Move' this time I used my command.

When she didn't my wolf an I took this as a challenge.

I was going to attack when a miss fired gun shot caught my attention.

It was that girl that was watching me at school.
Another shot was fired I saw as Chloe jumped in front of me.
I quickly jumped and attack the one who shot Chloe.
As I was about to strike his throat I felt to sharp pains before falling.

The pain was unbearable what if i never saw Ana again my mind thought before I felt myself black out.


I felt a pain in my chest as I was eating "Lauren" something was wrong I could feel It I quickly ran out and saw everyone "wheres Lauren" I asked one of them "she said to report back here due to the hunters but when she noticed Chloe was missing she went back to find her." he said scared.

I quickly phased and ran into the woods to find her I followed her scent till I got to a spot were there was foot prints and paw prints I continued to follow it until I reached the edge of the woods were there was a road.

both there scents had stopped there which meant they were loaded in a vehicle I could no longer track them. my wolf howled in sadness at the loss of our mate.

I ran back to the pack house and stormed into my brothers office "I WANT THEM BOTH FOUND NOW!" I yelled with tears running down my cheek.

"I know Ana we are working on it right now I promise we will find her you need to calm down first" he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

how could I be calm when my mate has been captured and could be dead at any minute.

I turned at walked to my room crying trying to calm down I had to go inform Lauren's pack about the news.

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