Chapter 15

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Ana entered the room where I was laying in.

"How is she?" I asked as she closed the door behind her.

"Still won't eat and looks like she hasn't slept in days" I went to hug Ana as she sat on the bed.

"Give her time I can't imagine what I would do if I lost you." I didn't even want to think about it.

Chloe has been depressed since that day she never leaves her room Ana was the only one that could actually talk to her she just shut her self away from everyone.

I get that she's upset but she can't just let her self suffer she has to be strong Vince wouldn't want her doing this to herself.

Of course Chloe would never listen to me, I wouldn't listen to me I would be the same if I lost Ana maybe worse.


Two weeks, two weeks since that monster shot my mate two weeks since I'd heard her voice two weeks since I held her two weeks since I'd been out of this room.

Everyone wants me to go back to myself how can I without her by my side.
They don't understand how can they expect me to go on without her by my side "there's no POINT!" I yelled hitting the wall.
I moved my fist out of it as tears began to fall from my eyes I missed her.

I climbed on my bed and hugged my pillow as I cried. That's all I had seem to be doing lately if I had beat him to her if I had just told him sooner.

My wolf howled in sadness not wanting to do anything without our mate.

That night just ran through my head over and over.


I quickly broke out of Ana's arms and ran back to my mate pushing anyone who tried to stop me.

Her eyes began to close NO! I thought I couldn't let her die I grew my canines and bit down on her shoulder feeling my teeth sink in her flesh as her blood filled my mouth.

Lauren ripped me away from her "what do you think your doing!"

We both looked at Vince who just laid there limp in my arms I got up and ran outside the house.

------flashback ends----

I don't know
What got into me I just bit her hoping something would happen but nothing did.

I cried until I had finally drifted off to sleep.


I was with Kim picking flowers for Vince I couldn't imagine what Chloe was going through.

Kim came up to me wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing me. I had to admit I was pretty happy being with her then I have ever been.

Luckily for us Chloe didn't give my father the location of the pack house she gave him some random place.
The Alphas have decided to attack them though since I knew the location.

I know it was my own kind but what we do is horrible we were lead to believe they are monsters but they aren't.

Maybe rouges but we find pack houses and kill the innocent wolves. What we do is wrong so I knew we had to put a stop to it my father had become the monster.

We gather the flowers and took off to see Vince hand in hand.

We got to here room at the pack house and went it.


It was so loud I just wanted it to stop and that beeping that stupid beeping!.

Then her face came into my mind she was beautiful. I missed her I always missed her but I didn't know who she was.

I felt pain serge through my body it was a regular thing I don't know what was going on.

I felt trapped in my own body I just wanted out.

"Hey Vince it's me Emma brought you some flowers." Her voice was so loud why is she yelling.

"Chloe's been a little distant lately okay well a lot" Chloe?

"She won't leave her room or anything she's taking this pretty hard" was she alright why what was wrong with me?
What is she taking pretty hard.

I felt another serge of pain this time it wasn't as bad they started to hurt less and less as time passed.

I heard what sounded like a door close and Emma was no longer talking she must have left.

I needed to get up but I knew it was impossible.

Just then the door opened again only this time I smelt something different than everyone else.

It was wonderful I couldn't describe it but I loved it.

I felt my right side get warmer whoever this was, was close to me.

"Hey...I know I'm not supposed to be here but I can't stand being without you." She said with sadness .

Why is she sad I recognized her voice but I didn't know who it was.
"I miss you" I felt my heart beat race she moved away from me.

"I should go before I get in trouble" no she couldn't go I wanted her to stay she had to stay.

I reached out and grabbed her arm before opening my eyes to see her.

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