Chapter 2

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I was all moved in seeing as I didn't need to move much.

Kim had suggested I stay with her cousins pack for a while and they agreed it would be okay Daniel was nice. Being the alpha I thought he would be mean but he was a sweet heart.

I was a bit worried about seeing his sister Ana but turns out she wasn't here she was at her mates place. That was good news seeing as it would be a little awkaward since me and Ana slept together.

It took awhile to convince my mom to let me come but she gave in eventually when I said I wanted to see new places before I found my mate.

after I was done unpacking I threw myself on my bed "what do I do now?"

I decided to walk around outside for a bit to get used to the area as I opened the door to go outside my eyes met those emerald green ones once more.


"Come on baby you need to get up."

Her voice was like a soft melody to me.

When I didn't move she began kissing my neck.

"baby cant we just stay here?"

I was to lazy to get up from bed.

"No Ana we promised your brother we'd have dinner with them."

I groaned she was right I did promise I had been staying with Lauren at her pack house but we would go to mine sometimes as well.

I turned around to face Lauren finally opening my eyes I saw her different colored ones staring back I loved how she was the only wolf with that trait.

"ok lets go" I said giving her a peck before getting up.

"but on one condition" I said holding up a finger.

"and what is that my love?"

"you and me" I said pointing my finger "shower" she simply laughed.

"but we don't even like the same water temperature."

She had a point "but we need to save the fishes."

Once again she laughed but came close and whispered in my ear.

"I'll make it up to you later." With that she went off and took a shower.

Now we were here in front of my house.

Right when I was going to open the door someone did it first and that's when I saw them the yellow eyes of the only other person I had been with.

"Chloe?" I said suprised.

"Ana hi" she said a little shocked.

What was she doing here? Why was she here?

As I wondered this a growl came out but it wasn't from me or Chloe.


So this was the other girl my mate had slept with.

I couldn't contain my anger as my wolf let out a growl.

I wanted to rip this other wolfs throat for touching my mate the way I do.

That's when I realized I had pinned her against the wall by her throat.

"Lauren stop it!" I turned to face Ana.

There was fear in her eyes I didn't want her to be scared of me I knew if I hurt this girl I would hurt my only love.

Lowering Chloe down I removed my hand and took off into the woods phasing.

'Lauren wait!'

I ran as far as I could before stopping to let Ana catch up.

'what happened back there?'

She said through our mind link as her wolf sat next to me.

'thats the other girl that you slept with Ana!' I let out a growl and Ana coward a bit.

The sight itself made me feel bad.

'Ana I'm sorry its just I cant stand the thought of her being with you the same ways I have.'

I watched as she brought her self up.

'hey that was before your, my mate and I'm yours nothing will ever break us apart okay.'

Ana was right that's when we had so much trouble being together and it was my fault.

She came and nuzzled under my neck.

'your so lucky I love you' I said sitting down.

'I know now come on Daniel is expecting us.'

I followed along as she trotted back to her house.


I had finished unpacking and decided to take a look around this new town.

I put on my shoes,jeans and a jacket and headed down stairs.

"mom I'm going to look around be back later!"

"okay be careful" she said as I went out the door.

I had looked around the place for awhile when I came across some woods.

There had to be some wolves here they loved places with woods maybe I could find them on my own.

Then I could leave this place and go back home with the rest of my group in no time.

I pulled out a small gun that I carried just in case taking off the safety I headed into woods.

About an hour later of looking around I decided to head home I hadn't found any signs of any wolves.

I entered the house exhausted from all the walking around I may have been a trained hunter but due to my weak heart that I was born with I couldn't go to long without resting.

"hey hunny did you have did you find anything interesting?" my mother said as I entered the house

"Not really I just went to look around" I responded.

I closed the door and headed up stairs to my room. As soon as I shut my door I headed to my night stand where my pills where and took two.

Afterwards I showered and got ready for bed tomorrow would be my first day of school.

I layed there until I drifted off to sleep.

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