Chapter 8

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"Are you coming or not!" I yelled at Emma who was taking her sweet time down the stairs.
I hated this girl for the reason that she put me through hell all of training.
Saying I was weak and was just waisting her dads time.

"I'm coming gosh what's the rush not like you have a boyfriend to get too."

She said coming down the last step
and following me towards the car where my mother waited for us.

As soon as we got to school I led her to the office and took off to my locker.

While getting my books I couldn't help but smile thinking about seeing Chloe.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind it left.
Thoughts of yesterday's almost kissed made me wonder was she still upset and if she wasn't how was she going to act.

I was so upset about Emma staying that, the almost kiss didn't cross my mind.

Did I want her to kiss me? Oh who am I kidding of course I did . I'm attracted to this girls and I don't know why okay maybe I do know. As I was rambling in my head I didn't notice that girl stand next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" I looked up to see that amazing smile and face. I looked at her lips wondering what they would have felt like.

I smiled at her for awhile until she spoke again breaking me out of my thoughts "are you okay?"

"What?..oh yeah I'm great" I said closing my locker "lets go" I said getting ready to take off before bumping into someone.

"Hey thanks for not waiting" Emma said ruining my moment of happiness.

"Hi there we haven't met and you are?" I quickly turned to Chloe as soon as Emma asked.

"I'm Chloe" she said smiling that smile that I loved.

"We'll Chloe I'm Emma I'm new I'm" she stopped to look at me before continuing."Vince's cousin."

Really my cousin I didn't want to be her friend let alone have people think we're related .

I watched as Chloe looked Emma up and down.
Of course she's interested Emma was pretty. The way her blonde hair fell over her shoulders bringing out her blue eyes it went well with her ivory colored skin.

"So Chloe do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" She said in a questioning tone.

I notice her checking Chloe out as well this brought my blood to boil.

"No I don't" Chloe said nodding her head.

"There is this one person I'm interested in" she said looking at me.

I felt my face heat up as I felt her gaze.

"We'll I'm definitely interested so while your waiting we could have a little fun" my jaw dropped did she not just hear what she said.

What made my jaw drop even more was Chloe saying okay.

I watched as she moved closer and ran her hand down Chloe's arm.

Ok that was enough I got in between them and spoke "we'll good to know" I said grabbing Chloe and walking off.


I walked into school not being able to wait to see my wonderful mate.

I passed by the pack and headed for Vince's locker I noticed her randomly smiling at her locker.

It was something that me and my wolf enjoyed seeing we hoped we were the reason.

When she did notice me she spaced out again. I became happy when I noticed her starring at my lips.

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