Chapter 17

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We had just come back from training when we heard a loud scream.

I looked to Lauren to see her already rushing up the stairs I followed her up to Vince's room.

As soon as we entered we saw Vince curled in a ball screaming in the floor.

"Chloe what happen!" My mate yelled as she tried to calm the new wolf down.

"I-I-I don't know she just said I was her mate and just started screaming" Chloe said with fright.

"Shit she's going to turn" Lauren said holding her down.

"How do you know?" I asked trying to figure it out myself.

"Her wolf is trying to come out to be with Chloe"

My mate was so smart I would have never known that.

It made sense once we found our mate our wolves always want to come out and mark each other right away.

"Chloe she needs you come here and help me" I watched as Chloe went and kneeled beside Vince.

"It's okay I'm here." She said reassuring her.

The sounds of bones cracking got my attention. I watched as Vince's bones began to change in her body.

I remember when I first shifted it was the most painful thing.

"It hurts!" Vince cried as her eyes began to glow.

Her canines began to grow her body becoming engulfed in fur before she finally shifted completely.

There In front of me stood Vince in her wolf form whimpering and cowering in fear.


I held on the her hands trying to sooth her but it didn't seem to be working I eventually let go as soon as she finished shifting.

There stood my mate in her wolf form her fur was a beautiful reddish color not many wolfs had it. Of course her wolf was small compared to every other wolf seeing as she was new.

She was whimpering and cowering away from everyone she was scared and I couldn't blame her shifting was a scary thing.

"Vince there's nothing to be afraid of okay?" Lauren said nearing her.

This only made her back away "babe it's okay we are trying to help" I said getting her attention.

As soon as she saw me she jumped on me licking and rubbing her head against me.

"Her wolf seems to love you" Ana said with a smile on her lips.

"Vince I'm going to need you to shift back okay it's easy" Lauren said getting her attention.

I had to admit she was a good leader Vince got off me and looked at Lauren.

"Relax and just think about being human" Vince inhaled and before I knew it she was back to herself only this time she was naked.

I had never seen her body before but I must say it was nice I took in every curve as I looked her up and down.

Ana cleared her throat betraying me out of my perverted thoughts. "Well then I guess since your now a wolf we can start training you first thing tomorrow."

Lauren spoke with a blush as she headed out with Ana "you were staring" I heard Ana whisper to her before the door shut.

Laughing I turned my head back to my mate shocked at how close she was too me.


I couldn't believe it I shifted into a wolf I didn't get to see how I looked but I could do that another time.

After everyone had left I couldn't help my feelings I wanted Chloe more than ever.

My wolf was happy I knew that much it's like I had to sets of feelings in me.

I approached my girlfriend without her noticing it took a minute for the shock to leave her face before I spoke.

"So I noticed you staring earlier" I said a Smile forming on my lips as she gulped knowing she had been caught.

"I didn't mean to it's looked re-"

I cut her off with a kiss I couldn't take it anymore.

I felt the sparks much stronger now I managed to move her towards my bed.

I gently laid her down never breaking the kiss until I felt her gently push me away.

"Vince I know it's just your wolf there's no rus-" I cut her off placing my finger to her lips.

"I have been wanting this for awhile" I said cupping her cheek.

"And now I know for sure we are supposed to be together so please don't try and talk me out of it" I said looking into her eyes.

In them I only saw love which is all I wanted.

Chloe simply nodded her head before grabbing my neck and pulling me down to meet her lips.


"So the nearest hunter camp is going to be her" I said pointing to a spot on the map.

"We need to make sure we are well prepared because they will be."

We had been discussing how we were going to take out the hunter camp.

It was weird planning an attack on my own team but I had no choice they wouldn't stop till we were all dead.

The fact that they tried killing Vince was a clear sign that they cared more about there job than they did there kids.

"Alright so in about two weeks we will prepare to attack so make sure to be ready by then" Lauren spoke before Dismissing the meeting.

"Hey gorgeous you okay?" Kim's said as she wrapped her arms around me from behinde.

I felt a smile form across my face as she kissed my cheek.

"I'm fine just tired is all" I said as I continued to make my way to our room.

Kim sat on the bed and opened her arms signaling for me to go to her.

Obeying I walked right over to her and we both fell back on the bed.

"Get some rest" she said placing her

arms around me bringing me closer and within minutes I was out.

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