Chapter 13

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I had gotten home from school which Vince didn't attend due to her parents leaving her to take care of the wolves.

I was surprised when one of those wolfs turned out to be Chloe even I was hesitant to give her the medication to weaken her.

I noticed Vince was no where to be found so I headed to the one place I hadn't looked I made my way to the basement which had a holding cell.

Sure enough there she was about to leave until I cut her of "before what Vince you get caught."

"Emma I can explain" she said pleading with me.

"Save it Vince" I said before she could continue.

"You don't understand I-" "its okay Vince" the other wolf said cutting her off.

Both Chloe and Vince looked at her before she spoke again "shes already been marked" she said looking up at me.

"Kim marked you!" Chloe said surprised. I could only blush knowing that they all knew what happened.

"how did you know?" I asked curious seeing as Chloe didn't even know.

"I'm an alpha I can sense it right away" she said turning to eat what I assumed Vince brought down.

"will you all excuse us for a bit" Vince said more as a command than a question.

I watched as she exited the cell closing it up then getting my arm roughly and pulling me up the stairs back to the kitchen.


"What does she mean your marked and who the hell is Kim?" I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

I waited for her reply "Its not like I knew!" she said turning to walk away as I followed her.

"It was at the party I thought I was just sleeping with some random hot girl I didn't expect her to fuckin bite me" she said sitting on the sofa.

When she said this it made me realize what a total slut this girl was why in the world would someone want to be with her forever. Then again why would someone want to be with a person like me forever.

"Oh" was all I said as I sat down next to her.

"Is that why you didn't kill her last night" I said thinking back to when she said she missed.

"Have you ever known me to miss?" She said raising her brow.

I simply shook my head "exactly I figured it was fine that I would still hunt them just not her." She stopped shutting her eyes before continuing. "But last night I don't know what happen I just couldn't like I had no control." She said opening her eyes and looking at me.

I didn't know what to say would it be like that with me and Chloe?

"So when do you plan on letting them go?" She question me.

"I don't know we could right now but how would I explain it?"

I didn't want my parents to hate me this is what I was raised to do.

"Go with them." I turned my head to look at her "what?" Did she just say that.

"Go with them I can just as easily say I came home and you were gone."

"What about you? I asked wanting to know what her safety net was.

"I will just go with Kim if we're both missing along with them they won't know what happened which buys us time before they find the pack house and kill everyone in it."

she paused before continuing "besides we both know my father wont let either one of us live after this" her voice was sad but she was right her father was a cruel man when wolves were involved.

Had to admit for a slutty girl she sure was smart

"Okay" was all I said before going to pack my things as Emma had gone to do the same.


Me and Lauren just sat there in the cell still keeping our distance from each other.

"She seems nice.." I turned to look at Lauren who had her head leaning against the wall.

"she is" I respond thinking about my Vince

"I don't hate you,you know" I broke out of my thoughts and turned to face her.

Turning her head to look at me she continued to speak "I'm just upset at the fact that she was able to find someone else to replace me is all..." she looked down before speaking again "I'm actually glad it was you and not someone else who would try to tare us apart from what I hear from other wolfs your actually okay." she said looking up at me with a smile.

"Thanks your not so bad yourself." I said looking away.

did this mean that me and her were okay now that I could actually talk to Ana with out worrying if I was going to get attacked after.

The sound of the cell opening knocked us both out of our thoughts Vince and Emma both stood there with back packs.

"If you all are done with your heart to heart moment can we please get going" Emma said walking away.

Me and Lauren headed towards the door we exited the basement the house was actually pretty nice.

"Okay so Kim is out side waiting for us seeing as you all cant transform due to the medication."

what was she serious we cant shift.

As soon as we got outside I had never been happy to be out of there and sure enough Kim was out there waiting.

Emma and Lauren made there way to the car as I waited for Vince who was closing the door.

"What do you think your doing!" a familiar voice spoke.

we looked to see Vince's parents and another man.

"Dad I can explain" Emma's voice broke out from the car.

"there trying to escape get them!" he said ordering my mates parents.

"In the car now!" Lauren yelled.

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