Chapter 14

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I didn't think they would be home so early and worse they brought Emma's father our leader.

"In the car now!" Lauren yelled at us.

I quickly turned and ran but soon I hit the ground as if a ton of bricks had just landed on me.

"get the rest!" Emma's father said pinning me to the ground.

I looked up as my eyes met Chloe who had made it to the car "go!" I said knowing full well what she was thinking.

I knew I would be tortured if not killed by this man and I couldn't let that happen to her.

"Chloe go!" I said one more time as tears started to form in my eyes.

I watched as she turned around giving everyone a look as if she was sorry and came running to me as she dodged both my parents and tackled Emma's dad off me.

As they car drove off leaving me and Chloe.

He managed to flip her over and pin her down before taking his weapon and shooting her not a minute later she was out.

grabbing a hold of my hair my father dragged me up from the ground and pulled me into the house taking me down to the basement and throwing me in the cell.

shortly after Chloes limb body followed I quickly got up and ran do her.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" my father yelled as he closed the door.

tears ran down my face I couldn't believe my own parents locked me up.

'YOUR A DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY!" he said angrily and left slamming the basement door.

I stayed there with Chloe's head in my lap crying how were we supposed to get out now.


For the second time today I woke up with a major headache I let out a groan slowly getting up and looking around to see I was in this stupid cell again.

"great" I said rolling my eyes.

"well I did tell you to go didn't I."

I looked behind me to see Vince sitting against the wall she didn't get to get away like I had hoped.

I got up and made my way to her sitting beside her as she let her head drop on my shoulder.

"there was no way I was going to leave you" I said kissing her head.

"besides who else would be able to put up with you" I finished earning a small laugh from her.

Vince had managed to fall asleep as I just sat there letting her rest her head on my lap as I stroked her hair.

I would definitely die for this girl I was in my trance of how gorgeous she was when the sound of the cell door opening broke me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see her father standing there I got up without waking Vince as I laid her head back down.

I knew why he was here I walked towards him with out making a sound as he grabbed my hair and pulled me with him out of the cell.

The pain was unbearable but I had no choice I wouldn't endanger the pack I would never give up the location.

I felt another pain in my side as Emmas father hit me once again he had been at it for a little more than an hour I could taste the blood in my mouth as I groaned in pain.

grabbing my hair he lifted my head up to face him "feel like telling me where its at now?'

"N-Nope" I said before he threw me across the room into a wall I tried getting up only to have him step on me pinning me back down.

"I will make you talk!" he yelled before spitting at me.

"RYAN!" he yelled a second later there stood Vince's dad.

"Bring me your daughter" he said calmly I watched as he left the room what did he want with Vince?

I could feel myself growing angry the door swung open as Ryan threw Vince on the floor "Chloe!"

she said getting up to come to my side but was immediately thrown back.

my mates father came and cuffed me as that monster walked towards Vince picking her up by the neck and kneeling her down to face me.

He then pulled out a gun from his side and pointed it at her head my eyes grew wide as fear stirred up in me.

"now tell me where the pack house is or I kill her" he said with an evil smile on his lips.

"don't Chloe!" Vince said before she was hit in the face I tried to break free to get to her but couldn't tears began to form in her eyes as well as mine.

"still not talking" he said cocking the gun and pointing it back at my mates head.

"Paul what are you doing?!" Vince's father spoke.

"Shut up!" he said to Ryan.

I watched as he threw Vince to the floor and pointed the gun at her head again this time pinning her down the way he had done with me earlier he looked at me and then looked back down ready to fire.

"No don't!" I said fear of losing my mate had already taken over me I couldn't Hold back my tears as I told him a location just then there was a scream we all looked at the door as it swung open Vince's mother came in terrified.

"The wolfs they are here we have to go!"

'the window go now!" Paul said just after the sound of a door breaking was heard.

"what about them?" Ryan asked.

"Leave them we already have what we need" they headed for the window besides me Paul was the last one to leave but before he exited he looked back at me.

what was he doing he then looked at Vince a sick smile crossed his face as he walked back over to her.

"What are you doing!" I yelled trying my best to move as fast as I could to get to her the tears stinging my eyes the door broke down the pack memebers ready for a fight as they all hurried in Lauren leading them but it was to late he had managed to escape.

I sat there with my hand on her chest trying my best to try and stop the blood that was all over I cried as I tried to calm her.

"keep breathing,just keep breathing" I said through my tears she was trying so hard to catch her breath but even I knew she wasn't able too the fear in her eyes as her face paled and began changing colour due to lack of air was something I would remember forever.

"quickly get her out of here call the pack doctor now!" Lauren yelled using her alpha voice.

As soon as they pulled me away from her I saw her body becoming weak as she started moving less and less Ana was outside the door where I was left crying.

I ran up to her and threw my arms around her crying even harder.

"H-he shot h-h-her" I said trough breaths.



I couldn't breath no matter how hard I wanted too I couldn't get any air why did they make Chloe leave?

I was going to die and they take the one thing I wanted at that moment away I watched as she was taken out my body feeling weaker with every passing second I could still feel the stinging of the shot but slowly it began to get numb I watched as everything began to grow blurry.

"GET HER NOW!" was that Lauren?

I felt another jolt of pain before everything went completely dark and silent

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