Chapter 19

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It had been about a week since Kim and Emma had gotten into that argument.

Emma told me what happen and Kim told Chloe it was pretty bad I don't know what I would do if Chloe said those things to me.

The fact that the one person who is supposed to love her more than life itself is the one that said those things to her must hurt.

I was currently in Emma's room she had gotten another room for herself away from Kim "Emma why don't you just go talk to her she's sorry."

"I know she is but if that's what she really thinks of me how can I even tell if she herself actually is sorry and not her wolf."

She had a good point there "I don't know you should ask her."

"I can't I don't want to talk to her..I'm just going to go for a walk." she said getting up off the bed and slipped on her shoes before she walked out of the room.

This had to end I got up off the bed and went to Chloe.

'Chloe where are you'

'I am making a sandwich!'

Of course she was in the kitchen I made my way down and met her while she was eating.

"What's up babe?" she said with her mouth full I couldn't help at laugh at how cute my mate was.

"Where's Kim?" I asked as I sat on one of the bar stools.

"She went for a walk Emma still won't talk to her"

"Yeah Emma is still pretty upset with her."

"Well they are stuck together so doesn't matter if she likes it or not she can't stay mad forever."

"Oh trust me you don't know Emma" I said rolling my eyes.


I sat on the ground leaning against a tree with my eyes closed clearing my mind.

"What do you want?" I spoke to Kim who was hiding.

"I just want to talk please" she spoke in a pleading voice.

I sighed as I opened my eyes to see her standing in front of me I stood up getting ready to walk away when she grabbed my arm and pushed against the tree.

"I'm sorry about what I said I don't care what or who you were with before I'm an idiot for letting it get to me" her voice began to crack as tears started to spill from her eyes. " I'm not just saying this because my wolf wants you I need and want you I miss you I love you ME not just my wolf but the human part of me" she leaned her head on my chest "I just want to forget our argument and go back to being happy with you all I don't care about anything else so long as I have you."

I stood there as she cried I missed her and wanted everything to be okay again.

I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay I'm sorry for being mad so long and making your suffer."


"Finally those two made up" I said dropping down on my bed.
"How do you know?" My lovely mate asked curling up next to me.
"I can hear all her happy thoughts from over here" I said kissing the top of her head.
"Do you think we are ready?" I turn to look at her giving her a questioning look.

"To take on the hunters I mean" I could see the worry in her eyes.
"With a but more training yes besides with Emma and Vince helping with what they know we should be able to handle it."
"I just don't want anything to happen to you I don't know what I would do without you." she said hugging me and pulling me closer.

"Nothing Could ever take me away from you." I say as I wrap my arms around her waist.

My mate may be tough around other people but she was a huge softy when it was just us two.

"Promise?" She said looking into my eyes.
"I promise."

It's super short I know but something better than nothing I notice I update IN love with royalty more because more people seem to prefer it over this one but I've decided it's not fair to those of you who like this one so I'm going to try and focus on this one more which means I will update more frequently sorry for the wait I shall work on the next chapter now.

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