Chapter 16

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The moment she woke up I called everyone in. The doctor came in and examined her me and my wolf were excited to have our mate back.

"Well everything seems to be normal"
"Great" I said with excitement I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.

"Um excuse me" she said towards the doctor.
"I don't know what happen and to be honest I don't remember any of you other than Emma" my heart broke she doesn't know us.

"What do you remember" doctor asked her.
I left the room too upset to bother hearing anything.

I sat out side for about ten minutes when everyone came out.
"Well she has memory loss but the doctor says it should go away after a couple of days she's just in shock."
Lauren said sitting by me.

"Okay that's good" I said with hope.
"There is also another thing" her voice was serious.

"She's getting signs of turning" I quickly looked at her.
"What!?" Lauren just nodded her head She's turning which means she must have died sometime for it to kick in so fast even if it was just for a second.

"Yup which means your taking care of her since you bit her" she said getting up "have fun."

It's been four days and she is gaining her memory back but so far not the parts where we get together. But she got the one where I said that I didn't love her she didn't talk to me at all that day.

I'm currently watching her eat sure enough Lauren was right she's turning she's eating like a cow right now.

I was lost in my thoughts when she spoke "Chloe can we go outside today?" I looked at her she hasn't been wanting to go out since she woke up.

"Sure" I said with a smile.

We were walking in the woods when she spoke.
"Did we ever get together?" This question surprised me.
I stopped walking and looked at her.
"Why do you ask?"
She stopped and turned to face me.
"I had another memory of you kissing me at a party I just don't know if it was a drunken thing or not."she said shrugging.

I laughed and walked up to her " that was the first time we kissed" a blush made it's way to her face.

"So then it happened more than once?" I nodded.

"We were together" I said walking on "but we got into an argument because you were a hunter and I was a wolf" I said looking at her as she followed.

"That was the memory I had seen before" she said looking back.

"Yup" I said laughing.
I felt a tug on my arm causing me to turn to her.
"Do you still want or have feelings for me?"
She said looking in my eyes "of course I do" I said giving her a sad smile.
"So then if I told you I remember everything how would you feel?" She now had a big smile on her face.

"Really!?" I couldn't hold my excitement in.

"Yeah when we stepped in this spot" I looked around it was the spot where I first saw her.

I laughed to myself "it's where I first laid eyes on you."
"I know" she said grabbing me from behind my neck and pulling me into her lips.

I couldn't believe it I finally got my mate back.
I pulled back "wait how do you know ?"
I asked curious to know.
"Because" she said walking to a tree "this is where I tripped and this" she said walking a little farther "is where I dropped my pills." She said holding up the bottle.

We both laughed I walked up to her and took hold of her hand.


We headed back home hand in hand everyone was happy when we got there.

The whole turning into a wolf thing was a little scary but Chloe said I had nothing to worry about I started feeling the effects of it.

I felt so energized all the time that Chloe would take me out to burn it off and my appetite grew.

We were out for one of our walks when Chloe said she had a surprise for me I followed her till we got to the place where we first met.

There was a blanket with food waiting there for us.
A smile had found it way to my face "you know since our first date was interupted" I laughed before pecking her cheek and went to sit down.

"Hey Chloe why don't you seem to have the same effect on me that Kim has on Emma?" I asked as we ate.

I had notice that Emma always wanted to be with Kim and always seemed to miss her in fact I noticed that with everyone who had a mate.

"Well" she started out " when your mate marks you the feelings sort of intensifie"
I still didn't get it.

"But you marked me and I still feel the same" I said trying to make a point.

"I didn't mark you" she said in confusion.
I could have sworn she bit me my look must have showed my confusion because she spoke again.

"I bit you yea but it's not marking because we didn't sleep together I just turned you." I felt myself blush at the thought of us sleeping together.

"Oh" was all I said. "It has to happen when we sleep together because thats when we become one."
That explained it more clearly.

so that meant that I could still run off with someone else and not worry bout wanting or needing Chloe.
I looked at her as she stared off into the distance.

Would I want to leave her? I no longer have my parents because of her because of my decision.
Would I do things differently if I could?

"You ready to go?" Her voice bringing me back. "Uh yeah" I said smiling at her.
"Okay then" she said with that beautiful smile of hers.
I felt the butterflies rise in my stomach.

No I don't think I would do anything different.

We grabbed everything and headed back hand in hand.

The wolf thing was getting to be to much, everyone in this house thought too loud. I couldn't control it everyone knew what I was thinking as well because I didn't know how to shut them out yet.
Chloe always had to help me and speaking of Chloe I noticed my feelings are starting to get a lot stronger.

I haven't told her but Lauren said it was because my wolf is reaching the stage where it finds it's mate.
Since I'm already Chloe's mate my feelings and wolf grow more towards her.

It had been a rough week for me because of it.

I was lying in the room they had given me here that's right I didn't sleep with Chloe even though we were together.

I had a pillow thrown over my head to block out some of the sound around me.
Most of the pack had gone out on training but I couldn't shift yet so I never went.

There was a knock on the door it was soft but still I was able to hear it.
"Come in!" I yelled with out moving from my spot.

The smell that quickly reached my nose had me sitting up in the blink of an eye. I knew the smell but it was much stronger and lured me to it.

"Hey I was wondering if u-" she didn't get to finish due to me cutting her off "mate".

Chloe smiled as soon as she heard what I had said.

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