Chapter 7

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I had drove the rest of the way in silence I was disappointed in my self knowing that my mate hadn't been with anyone while I had been with several people and she knew it. We finally got to spot over looking the town I parked and was about to get off when she spoke.

"Chloe I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said" she said staring at her hands.

"No your right" I said looking away " I have been with different people its why I came here I got tired of seeing everyone around me happy with some one they love more than anything while I had no one I guess it was a way for me to feel like someone cared about me."

I looked back and noticed her looking at me I just gave her a small smile and opened my door and got off.

I went to open her door when I did she came out and threw her arms around me.

I was in shock I just stood there while my wolf wanted me to take her I calmed my wolf down not wanting to ruin that moment and simply put my arms around her.

after a few moments she let go and pulled away with a small blush I couldn't help but smile.

"so what are we doing here?" she asked looking around.

"well" I said grabbing her hand and taking her to the hood of my car and giving her a lift up "I thought we could get to know each other better'' I said joining her on the hood.

"after all I don't really know anything about you" I said looking at her.


After she said that I couldn't help but look at her and watch her stare back her honey colored eyes capturing mine I quickly looked away breaking the trance her eyes had me in.

"so what do you want to know?" I said laying back and staring up at the sky.

"everything" she said looking up as well.

we had been talking for about two hours when I asked a question that had been on my mind.

"did you like that guy?" I said holding a breath.

"the guy at school?" she asked unsure if that's who I was talking about.

I just nodded knowing she was looking at me now.

"no not really he isn't my type" she said looking back up and the sky which was now full of mixed shades as the sun began to set.

"what do you mean not your type?" I said looking back at her she sure seemed interested earlier.

I watched as she inhaled a deep breath before releasing it and speaking "I'm not into guys" she said closing her eyes.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing she was into girls I was speechless I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out so I just closed it.

after a while she turned to look at me her eyes staring at me trying to read me then I watched as her gaze moved down to my lips.

she began to move closer as the space between us began to get smaller I didn't know what to do I couldn't move I could feel my heart racing and the distance quickly closing as I began moving forward too. As soon as I felt her hot breath on my lips I knew what was going to happen.

I quickly pulled away as my phone went off ruining the moment.

"Hello?" I answered from the corner I could see Chloe looking a little frustrated.

"Yeah I'm fine just out with a friend" I said to my mother.

"okay I will be home in a you too bye" I hung up my phone and looked at Chloe.

"That was my mom she wants my home already."

"okay" she said getting off the car and opening my door for me to get in.

The drive back had been silent my heart was still pounding she was going to kiss me.

I was going to kiss her I didn't know what to do I can't fall for her I would be leaving soon it could never happen.

We finally arrived in front of my house I sat there for a minute before speaking "Chloe" I didn't really know what to say she just kept looking forward.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she said not even looking at me I just nodded and got out as soon as I got to my door I heard her drive off,

"Mom I'm home" I said as I entered the house.

"In the living room" My mother responded I entered the room and froze.

"What is she doing here?"

"Its nice to see you too Vince" she said as her blue eyes gazed back at mine.

"Sweetie Emma will be staying with us for a while" my mother said to me.


I was so close we almost kissed I almost had her me and my wolf were upset that we didn't get to feel our mates lips if it weren't for her phone.

She was going to kiss me too some part of her wants us which was a good sign this brought us a little happiness I couldn't look at her she would see my eyes wanting her I was fighting my wolf back. If I hadn't I would have taken her in my car.

I took a deep breath as I parked outside the pack house I entered and headed up to my room as soon as I entered I was surprised to meet emerald eyes staring at me.

"Ana what are you doing in here" I said whispering hoping Lauren wouldn't hear me as I shut the door.

"Where have to been?" she asked looking me over.

"I was with my friend" I said wondering why she wanted to know.

"Oh" was all she said.

I went to sit beside her on my bed "whats wrong?"

"nothing I just wanted to talk seeing as we haven't done that since you been here" I laughed as she said this.

"Maybe because your girlfriend would kill us" I said smiling at her.

"I know she isn't normally like that she is actually a really nice person she is just jealous" she said trying to defend her mate.

"I know a lot of the pack members always say how great she is but I understand why I don't see that side often" I spoke as I layed on my bed.

"do you ever think about it?" I turned to face her what was she talking about.

"You know me and you" I just kept quite I didn't know where this conversation was going

she turned to look at "I mean don't get me wrong I do love her and want to be with her there is no doubt about that" I sat up and let her continue.

"But I don't know sometimes I think if we hadn't worked out if you hadn't talked me into coming back would WE have been something" she said emphasizing the we.

"Its just sometimes I feel like Its to good to be true what if her feelings change what if she realizes she doesn't want me" I watched as a tear rolled down her face.

She was still hurting she still had her doubts I wrapped her in a hug.

"Maybe we would have been something but your meant to be with her you would always want her I know your still not over her leaving you the first time but your mates and I know Lauren would never leave you." she moved to look up at me.

"really?" she said her eyes lighting up.

I smiled at her "Of course have you seen the way she looks at you there is no doubt in my mind that your the person she wants."

"thanks" was all she said as she put her head on my shoulder.


I stood outside on the balcony with James we were still friends after all

"I don't know James I just feel like shes going to change her mind sometimes" I told him looking out into the forest.

"Your joking right Lauren you and I both know that Ana would never leave you that girl is attached to you like gum." I laughed at is comperision.

"Then why is she always asking about Chloe its like shes more worried about her than me."

I watched as he thought about it for a moment before speaking.

"why do you care about me?" I simply looked at him in confusion.

"James we have been friends since I got here you were my only friend in fact." I said smiling to myself "you were the one person I felt comfortable around to tell everything too your my best friend." I say looking at him.

"And that's the same reason Ana cares for Chloe I don't know about you but I have never seen Ana with anyone except you." As he said this I realized he was right maybe Chloe was to Ana like James is to me.

"You know I'm right" he said bumping my arm.
"You always are" I say looking back out to the woods.

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