Chapter 18

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It had been a long day of training ever since I changed I had been training with the rest of the pack.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel I had an hour before I needed to be at school.

Looking in the mirror I scanned the bite mark on my shoulder that Chloe had done tracing it with my fingers I loved knowing I was hers and she was mine.

'You almost done love?'

Chloe's voice rung in my head I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.Ever since that day it's like my feelings for her increased by a thousand.

I exited out of the bathroom and into the room "finally!" Said my wonderful mate.

"I told you we could have showered together to save time but you said no" I said pecking her on the lips.

"If I had said yes we definitely would be late" she said smiling as she entered the bathroom.

After we were both showered and dressed we headed downstairs for a quick breakfast before heading off to school.

"Good morning you two" Emma spoke as we walked through the school door.

"Good morning where's Kim?" Chloe asked seeing as Emma was all alone.

"She's getting her schedule from the office" Kim transferred schools to be with her mate.

"Okay guess we can wait for her." I suggested seeing as she might need help finding classes.

We began talking about classes and homework when we were interrupted.

"Hey I heard you like to have fun what say after class we go have a good time?" Said some dumb jock to Emma he couldn't be serious.

"Buddy she's taken so how bout you get to stepping" Chloe said to him.

"So what I'm just looking for a quick lay not a relationship so what do you say?"

"The answer is no" Emma said turning her back on the jock.

"Come on I'm not going to tell your boyfriend if your as good as my buddy says you are maybe I will keep you around" he said looking her up and down this idiot was persistent.

"I said no!" She said again this time the guy reached for her hand when someone grabbed it.

Kim growled before speaking "she said no now back off before I snap your hand off" she said letting his hand go and pushing him away.

"And who the hell are you?" he said getting in Kim's face.

"I'm her girlfriend now leave."

"Fine have fun with that slut" wrong word I thought because in the next second Kim had broken his nose.

As he was on the floor holding his face Kim walked off in the other direction angry. "I should go check on her" Emma spoke as she ran to catch her.


"Kim-Kim wait!" I yelled after her she came to a stop as she exited the school doors.

"What do you want Emma" her tone was low and obviously still angry.

"I just wanna make sure your okay" I tried getting her hand when she pulled it away from me.

"Kim what's wrong?" I asked as I tried to look in her eyes.


"Me? what about me?"

"If you hadn't been around with every guy I wouldn't have to be dealing with this crap especially on my first day!"

Was she serious she was really throwing that in my face.

"Well no one told you to sleep with me or mark me remember you did it without even telling me!"

"Well I didn't know my mate was going to be the school slut" regret showed Immediately as soon as the words left her mouth.

She reached out for my hand "Emma I'm sorry I didn't-"

"No don't touch me!"

I said backing away from her "I'm sorry you ended up with me!" I spoke as tears started rolling down my face. "if I could take all that back I would but I can't I may not have been the person you wanted to end up with but you did and I can tell you that I have never wanted, needed or loved someone like I do you." I wiped the tears from my face "I would do anything for you but since dating the "School slut" is such a disgrace to you I will just leave you alone after all your just forced to be with me because of your wolf."

With that I took off back Into the school and headed to class passing Vince along the way "hey is everything alright?" she questioned but I just kept walking.


I know it's like super short (/.\) but I wanted to post something I am still writing this one so no worries just been more focused on the other one but promise I won't make you guys wait that long for next chapter

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