Chapter 4

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I was doing homework when Daniels voice came into my head.

'Chloe you and a couple of other pack members have patrol today.'

I was so glad that I only had one more problem left. After I finished I had packed some extra clothes seeing as this wasn't my territory.

I went down stairs and met up with two guys and another girl.

"okay is everyone ready by the way I'm Tray this is Jimmy and that's Liz" he said pointing to each of them. Jimmy was pretty tall and muscular with short black hair.

Liz on the other hand wasn't as tall as the rest of us but was still cute maybe I could get to know her better.

I simply smiled and waved at them mouthing a hi and we headed out the door.

Once outside we, phased Tray was a tan colored wolf a bit bigger than me with light brown eyes.

Jimmy was a dark grey wolf and even bigger then again he was a big guy.

Liz on the other hand was a bit smaller than me. Her blue eyes stood out from black around her eyes while the rest of her was white.

'okay guys remember let each one of us know if you suspect anything out of the ordinary.' Tray said through his mind link.

We all went in diffrent directions that we were assigned to.

This wasn't new to me seeing as we did it back home too it was just of diffrent territory.

We never actually did find anything back home but I didn't know about here.


After dinner we all headed out I made sure to take my pills with me just in case.

My dad was going over the rules on what to do if we spot a wolf. It was stuff I had already learned back home.

We pulled up to the same woods I had come to before there was nothing when I looked but it was now night time which is when they are most likely to be spotted.

"okay guys lets remember to stick together" my dad said as we got off the car. About an hour had passed and still we found nothing.

"okay we should probably head back its getting late and you have school young lady."

My mom said pointing at me just as I was about to argue we heard a twig snap and a low growl.

"don't move" my dad said as he began to walk forward.

Another growl came from beside me and pretty soon all around.

Then my father fired "RUN!" He said yelling at us.

We all took off in different directions.

Everything looked like such a blur and my only light was the moon I could feel my body becoming tired.

The sound of a wolf was right behind me I could hear their paws hitting the ground I had to keep going or my life could be over.

I turned to look for a split second and in that split second I tripped on a tree root sticking out of the ground and dropped my gun.

Panicking I pulled out my knife and quickly got up my heart was beating out of control and I could feel pain rising in my chest.

As soon as I had stood up I was tackled to the floor.

My head hit the ground hard but I had to push the pain away or I could be killed.

I pulled my arm ready to stab the growling wolf it the neck when I stopped.

As soon as I looked into the wolfs eyes I froze. I wasn't the only one though the wolf stopped growling and baring its teeth.

Its yellow eyes kept staring into mine what was wrong with me now was my chance I closed my eyes and swung the knife.

I heard a whimper and felt my body get lighter when I opened my eyes I saw the wolf licking its paw.

I looked at it as it looked back at me it didn't seem to show any signs of anger or of attacking me back what was wrong with this dog. I soon as I looked into its eyes I felt like I had done something wrong.

Why didn't it kill me? why hasn't it killed me? I kept asking myself this as the white and gray wolf just sat there licking its paw not taking its golden eyes off me. I lifted my self up to a sitting position but felt the pain in my chest again. my heart was still racing I quickly took the pills I had in my pocket and soon began to relax as they took affect.

I couldn't help at notice my heart still racing as I stared at this wolf maybe I over worked my self to much this time.

I eventually grew aggrivated with the silence and spoke.

"Are you just going to sit there?"

It didn't make an effort to try and give an answer or move it just continued to look at me while it licked its paw. I don't think I could bring my self to kill it when it wasn't even trying to kill me which I found weird seeing as they were normally very aggressive and territorial.

Finally I stood up slowly making sure I was okay "look Im going to go home I will let you go this time next time I see you I will kill you." I said turning away. In my mind I heard the voice of a girl 'why?'.

I simpy ignored it and made my way out of the woods I was a few feet away from the SUV When I got to the car my mom and dad came out.

"hunny thank god your okay" she came out hugging me. My dad came out limping blood stained his pants.

"dad are you okay?!"I said going to him.

"Im fine sweetie just a scratch I was more concerned about you."

"well I'm fine I just bumped my head is all." there was no way I was going to tell them about the wolf.

We got in the car as soon as I sat down I felt my entire body fall like it was dragging around extra weight I stared out the window as we headed home.

As soon as we got there I went up to my room and got on my computer.

I looked up as much as I could about wolfs there must have been a reason why this one didn't attack.

This wolf was nothing like what I had been taught about them in trainging they told us that they never show mercy.

So why wouldn't this wolf attack me? I thought to myself there had to be a reason.

Our encounter was enough for my dad to call and let the other hunters know that there were wolves in this area.


I laid in bed luckily no one got hurt to badly Tray just got grazed by the bullet and lucky me got cut with knife but nothing to serious.

That girl was my mate I had finally found my mate I couldn't hurt her I lied to the pack and said I had lost her after she cut me I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Her ice blue eyes captured mine never had I seen someone so beautiful. Her wavy black hair her pale skin. There was nothing about her I didn't love and her scent the smell of lavender it was her this morning in the office.

I couldn't understand why her and her family shot at us though, maybe they were just taking a stroll together or got lost. Whatever the reason was I didn't care I just wanted to be with her.

My wolf was in pain being away from her all this time my mate had been here why didn't I come sooner.

I looked at my arm it wasn't completely healed yet maybe I just scared her I had to see her again even if it killed me.

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