Chapter 5

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After my mother dropped me off I headed to my locker. I closed it and looked to my right there stood the girl.

I didn't know what it was but I loved looking at her.

Her light blue sun dress fit her perfect. The way she held her books was cute to me. Like a school girl you see in movies holding there books against their chest. As I was looking I noticed her arm had a bandage over it.

"what the?" I said to myself I watched as she turned to me with a smile on her face and a raised eyebrow. I quickly looked away she probably thinks I'm weird now for staring.

As soon as turned to walk away I bumped into what felt like a wall losing my balance.

I shut my eyes waiting to feel my self against the tiled floor after what felt like forever I opened up one of my eyes.

why haven't I hit the floor yet?

"Hi there" she said with a very upbeat tone.

With both eyes opened I could she her the girl I had been starring at had both her arms around my waist.

"Are you okay? she asked slightly tilting her head to the side.

I couldn't form any words as I stared into her eyes I know those eyes but from where?

"" oh come on why is nothing coming out.

then the most adorable thing happened she giggled at me.

It was like a melody so perfect and relaxing I could hear it every day.

Wait what was I thinking I wasn't going to be here long so I didn't have any use for this girl.

I shook my thoughts away and pulled out of her arms she looked a little upset maybe I hurt her wrist a bit.

" I'm fine" I said looking down at my feet.

"Good" she says with a smile on her lips.

" I'm Chloe by the way and you are?" she questions.

great now I'm never going to get her to leave.

"Vince" the moment I said my name she turned her head to the side again like a dog would.

" Is that short for something" of course she would ask everyone always does

"yeah its short for Vincetta..." I say a little annoyed as I wait for her to make fun of my weird name like everyone else.

I watched her zone out in deep thought before speaking again.

"Vincetta...I like it" A smile forming on her lips.

We both look around as we here the warning bell to get to class.

"Well I better go" just as I was about to take off I hear her speak.

" I'll go ahead and walk with you my class is on that way also"

"Cool" I say coldly I may like looking at her but her whole cheery vibe is a little annoying.

We walk in silence until we arrive outside my class "well this is it bye" I say quickly going in and taking my seat.

I placed my hand over my heart feeling it race I guess I rushed over here too fast.


I quickly made it to my next class and sat down.

I couldn't believe it I actually talked to her every word she spoke made my heart skip a beat.

Her name only made me want to have her more it was so unique of course someone as stunning as her would have it. As soon as I caught her staring I had to go and talk to her I was upset that she pulled out of my arms after I caught her but I got to hold her.

My wolf was jumping around in excitement we were becoming friends with our mate a step closer to us being together.

I sighed as I thought about it if I really wanted this to work I can't move to fast she is a human she doesn't feel the same way I would have to make her like me and then fall in love with me.

All I had to do was wait for her If she were a wolf it would be so much easier but I know I can make her love me.

I was sitting in lunch with the pack when I smelt her nearby she smelled like the ocean in the early morning. I hadn't seen her since I walked her to class because she was gone when I got there.

I turned to see her heading out the school doors I quickly got up and headed out after her with a quick "be back" to the pack.

I exited looking for her spotting her under a tree in the courtyard.

She looked so beautiful sitting there It was like looking at a panting the way the light hit her was perfect but I couldn't help at notice how sad she looked.

My wolf whining to go to her broke me out of my trance and I headed towards her taking a seat next to her.

"Hi again" I said looking at her.

I laughed as she jumped up a little.

"oh its you" her words coming out plain.

I stopped laughing and just looked at her did I offend her for laughing?

"I'm sorry for laughing" I said with all honesty my wolf snapping at me for upsetting our mate.

"its ok" she said without even looking at me.

"did I do something wrong" I'm starting to think it wasn't the laughing that upset her.

"why are you talking to me?" she said finally looking at me.

her question caught me off guard as my wolf coward at her words.

" I'm not sure I get you?" I say not knowing what it is she is asking.

"why are you talking to me you don't have too you know I don't need you to act like my friend or anything"

"That's not what I'm doing" I say with all honesty.

"You don't have to lie look at you, you could talk to anyone you want go back with all your friends so why talk to me?" I wanted to straight out tell her that it was because I was in love with her but instead I went with a different answer.

"Simple because I look at you and you seem like the type of person that I want to get to know and be around" not a complete lie.

I watched as see leaned back against the tree and laughed.

"wow I was starting to think you were a robot" I said jokingly.

"yeah well you never know I may be in disguise" she said smiling at me.

"Some one as beautiful as you I wouldn't be surprised" I watched as a blush crept onto her face.

It was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"So does this mean were friends?" I asked breaking our silence.

"I guess so" she said as a smile covered her face.

I couldn't believe it and neither could my wolf she was willing to be friends with me. It would of course end up becoming more because I knew we were meant to be.


I was trying my hardest to focus on what the teacher was saying. With Laurens hand going up my leg it was impossible.

'stop it' I said through our mind link.

'no not till you tell me' I sighed.

Ever since lunch she had been asking if I had any feelings towards Chloe.

'just because I asked where she was doesn't mean I like her.'

'it matters enough for you to ask'

"will you stop!"

"Miss Trishtin is there a problem." The teacher said looking at me.

"no sir please continue"

I looked over at Lauren who was trying to hide her giggle.

"Just wait till we get out of here"

I said in a low growl.

"oh Im so scared." She said bringing her hands up.

I don't think I can handle her teasing me all period.

As if my prayers were answered the bell rung I quickly packed my book as Lauren took her time.

After she finally finished I got her hand and dragged her into the library as fast as I could.

"Ana what are we doing her we still have one more class to get-" I didn't let her finish as I slammed her against the book shelves and connected my lips to hers.

I was going to give her a taste of her own medacine.


Me and Ana were making out heavily in the library.

I put my head back as she kissed down my neck.

Her hands began moving under my dress. I wanted her so bad other wolves could probably sense my arousal. Right when she was about to get to my spot she stopped.

"why did you stop?" I said out of breath.

"I told you when we were out of class."

She smirked at me this is how shes getting me back?

"your joking right!?" for her sake I hope she was.

She just shook her head.

I watched as she backed away "don't you dare I swear if you walk away now you wont get any from me."

I said in a threatening tone just then the school bell rang signaling the end of the day she just smiled wider and walked away.

Oh we'll just see whose smiling when we get home.


"Your sure?" My father said the the person on the other side of the phone.

"good work try and find the rest and check back with me. I will have everyone here prepared but until you find the their home we will not move."

Hanging up the phone he looked up at the guard by his door.

"tell everyone to be prepared we will be moving as soon as I give the word."

My father had been waiting for their call.

"Soon you will be able to kill your own wolf and show everyone what a strong future leader you will make" he said smiling at me.

"I look forward to it" I said knowing I would make my father proud.


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