chapter 1: the letter

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Error pov: I sat silently on the old grey hammok that sat hanging in the old abandoned building that I called my home. Holes in the ceiling from the decay of the home allowed the moonlight to shine through, aluminating the room.

The building was just one big room. No side rooms. Big, and empty. Just how I like it.

The only thing that sat in the room was a stairway that originally led to a second floor, but over the years the second floor had got torn off due to a storm. Leaving the staircase leading to nothing but a large drop on the floor of the room.. so, once I moved in, I tied a hammon their. The hammock hung high above the floor, but I wasnt nessasarily scared it would fall. I made sure it was sturdy.

The tiles of the floor where cracked and littered with dirt and dust. Weeds grew through the cracks of the old tiles as age finally caught up to the large building. Vines climbed up the walls and wrapped around anything they could find.

Blankets I had stole sat on an old beanbag in the corner, Littered with dirt, and was covering the small basket of sewing suplies I had hidden in the empty room.

I sighed as i looked at my hand to see dust and dried blood.

I had killed a target not long ago. Yous think with the money I'd be able to get a house.. but what's the point? This old building was empty and sturdy. And it was free seeming how no one knew I lived here. It made it to where I could buy food and weapons. Even though I only really bought weapons. I mostly stole food instead of buying it. Merchants where naive and dumb. Way to easy to steal from.

I heard a knock at the old dusty door at the bottom of the big room that I called my home.

One knock

Two knocks

One knock

Three knocks.


I slowly climb out of my hammock and walk down the long flight of cement stairs. Unlocking and opening the door.

A familiar figure stood their in shining armor. Blue tints and silver shined as his blue eyes stared at mine. I quickly let him in and he comes in. I close the door behind him as he sets his long sword down.

His shining armor seemed to look like bricks of gold compared to my ragged clothing. I wore layered shirts of black and grey. Black gloves and torn, old blackish grey pants. Combat boots and a black-with-blue-tint scarf that I used to cover my head and sometimes mouth.

"Hello friend" said the armored figure, The only person that knew where I lived and My inside source who worked at the palace as a royal guardsmen and was best friends with the king.

"Hello blueberry" I say. He rolls his eyes and chuckles as he speaks. "How many times do i have to tell you. Just call me blue." He says. "Fine, fine." I say. I watch as blue reaches in a small brown satchel that sat around his chest and pulls out an envelope along with a tan, heavy pouch.

"Already another target..? Who's this one from?" I say.

"No clue... I randomly found it in my mailbox not that long ago. It said it was addressed to you. Speaking of targets. Did you get the one from the leter I sent you a while back..?" He asks.

I nod as I begin to open the envelope from the unknown person. I speak. "It was just some note from a random guy that hated some dude because he stole the love of his life. So he wanted him dead. So I killed him as instructed. It was really easy to off him. Made it quick."

"I see.." he says. Blue was the one that gave me notes from people that wanted others dead. I killed who people want me to kill. No one expected blue was my messenger. Someone who works with the king helping a nobody assassin? Not likely. But that's exactly why I liked blue.

Me and blue had a deal. I didnt hurt his family, or anyone in the castle, and he wouldnt turn me in. I agreed and he helps me get orders in return. Despite blue being my messenger, I do like him. We talk and he'll bring me food from the palace when he can. Hes nice and understand that I have to make a living somehow. Although he does try and convince me to find other employment.

I wat h as blue looks up at the moon from the holes in the ceiling. "I should probably get going. My brother might wake up and notice im gone. I'll make sure to come back tommorrow with some food. Alright..?" I nod. "Thanks" I say. He smiles "no problem. Be safe error." He says as he walks to the door. Opening it and silently leaving.

I roll my eyes. 'Oh please.. I'm always careful' I think As I open up the folded letter in the envelope. The old paper looked fancy. New and white. Not old and yellow like any townspeople would have. So they where a rich person. Their handwriting was nice, so they had education, and a good one at that. The paper was folded neatly, meaning the person was attentive and careful, yet delicate and formal.

You can tell a lot about someone simply by a note. And even by the fact that the note was kept in a envelope showed that this person had money to spare... townspeople wouldnt dare waste the little money they had on en envelope when they can just give them the letter without one.

Who was this person..?

I slowly read the note. My vision struggled to focus as I squinted, finally able to see the words.

' to: Error.

I'll make this short. I'm a paying customer who needs a favor. I know that your the wanted assassin labeled 'bullseye'. I know your identity and everything about you. I need a favor if you want your identity to stay a secret to the king. I need someone dead. I've sent you a bag of gold as payment. It should be more then enough for what you need. I'm asking you to meet me face to face. If you refuse. I have contacts with the neighboring kingdom. Due to the fact that the neighboring kingdom has a treaty with your country's kingdom, I'm sure that guards will have your head on a stake in a matter of days. Meet me at 2nd street in the 4th alleyway at the moons highest point on wednesday. I'll be waiting.'


I look up at the moon to see it had nearly reached its highest point, and I knew It was wednesday....

I had no choice but to go..

Who was this person though..? How did they have contacts with the neighboring kingdom..? I lived in a small town named 'shallen'. Not to far from the palace of this country. The ruler of my country's kingdom is named 'ink'. He rules the kingdom of 'new worlds' and he has a truce with neighbouring kingdom ruled by the king named dream. Aka the kingdom of 'sun and moon'.

Ink doesnt have a treaty with any other nearby kingdoms..

What would someone from another kingdom want with me..? I lived right on the border of the two kingdoms, so it wasnt that far away.. but still...

Even if I didnt wanted to go. I kinda have to.. if he turns me in the guards of the kingdom will have me hanged.. but how did he know I'm 'bullseye'..?

I was given the assassin name 'bullseye' because I primarily use blows to the head in order to kill my victims, and I've never missed a target. And if I had, I did it on purpose. I play with my food every now and then.. but who would want anything to do with me..?

Well- at the same time I dont know of many other assassins. Most have been caught..

I take my dagger out from a hidden pocket in my pants, admiring the glisten of the clean blade. That should be enough. Hopefully. A grapple was to large to bring, so fighting instead of running would have to do.

I stuffed the dagger back in my pocket and opened the door to my home. The cold outside world welcoming me to the empty city. The sound of waves splashing against the shore filled my 'ears'. I put my scarf over my head and over my mouth.

Abandoned buildings littered the streets.

I lived in an abandoned city on the coast line. Sometime, the water would rise and flood the houses, so everyone left. I'm the only one in this city from what I know.

I continued walking to the destination the note told me to meet. Once I got their, I looked up to see the moon was almost at its highest point in the sky. I lean against the wall as I wait.

This is gonna be a long night.

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