chapter 15: secret behind an act

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Error pov: My hands shook as I finished reading the note. I felt my breathing quicken.

A week...

ONE week...

I have to kill ink-


I cant-

I felt as cold tears gently fell down my cheeks. I couldnt stop them, nor did I want to.

I cant take this-

I cant kill him-

I just curl up in the bed, sobbing. I dont know why it scared me so much.. I had killed many people in the past. What made him so special..?

I actually love him.. dont i..?

Blue was right-


I have to get some fresh air.. I cant take this..

I get up, shaking slightly, before walking over to the glass balcony door.

I open the door, a cold breeze rushes to me. The stars shined bright as the black sky was lit up by the bright moon. It illuminated the forest that surrounded the castle, and also levan, torwards the front of the castle. I could see the busy town from my balcony. Even at night, people still roamed the endless cobblestone roads.

I felt cold, but I dodnt care. I was somewhat use to the cold climate due to having no roof at my home.

Or at least,

My old home..

Not only did I have to kill ink.. but once I did, if I'm not caught and killed, I'll just be stranded in the streets. All of shallen is destroyed. Even if the water dies down, will their be any buildings still standing..?

Or will I be cast to the streets to beg for scraps.


Not even that-

I cant even stay in levan.

The guards would find me and suspect me. I'm in the castle after all..

I would have to leave here..

But where would I go..?

I know their has to be other cities nearby.. but I dont know where they are..! And not to mention, what's stopping the guards from visiting other cities even if I do manage to find another town!?


Stop thinking-

I need to stop thinking..

I look down from the ledge of the balcony.

I could....

I could stop this..

I could just end it all, but..


Nightmare would just replace me.

Not only would he find someone else to kill ink, but he would probably also still kill blue if I was gone.

I care so much about blue, and ink. I cant let them die..

But what do I do..?

I realize something.

As I look down, i see a multicolored meadow. Flowers of every color, I can almost smell the aroma from here. A cobblestone pathway followed the flowers, and I could see a small metal bench at the bottom, sitting next to some vibrant blue and purple flowers.

I should go down their to help clear my mind.. maybe it will help me..

I should bring something with me.. something to help me keep my mind off of everything besides the flowers.

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