Chapter 2: a moonlit night.

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Error pov: I sat leaning against an old cobblestone wall. The moon lit the empty alleyway, but not much. It made it to where I could barely see my surroundings. I sat relying on my senses to see if anyone was around me. I smelled mold, moss, and the smell of old, crumbling stone. I felt no vibrations on the floor or walls of the old alleyway. I only heard the endless chirps of the midnight crickets. My taste wasnt useful in this situation. But I guess it a good thing I didnt taste any toxic air.

I looked up at the shining moon. It glowed as the suddle light shined through the cracks of the buildings and the calm breeze blowed autumn leaves away from my feet.

The street was still in the abandoned city, just simply farther inland. I couldnt hear the sound of seaside waves anymore, but I wasnt close enough to the larger cities to hear people partying and feasting on lamb and cattle. Or the yelling of merchants selling fruit, vegetables, or nuts.

I listen as I hear the wind shift. I see a light shine off a stained knife. Finally. Good thing they actually showed up. I stand up, no longer leaning against the wall. I glare at the figure. The figure was dark seeming how they stood in the shadows. They had bits of armor on and fragments of rich-looking clothing showing through. They had dark grey, navy blue, and blood red clothing on. But one thing stood out. Their was a pin pinned onto his armor. The label was a crescent moon surrounding a rising sun. The label of the 'sun and moon' kingdom. So he was a guard of the neighboring kingdom..

I looked him in the eyes. His eyes where blnk and empty. Black tar like substance dripped down his cheeks and his soul glowed brightly in front of him. I stared at the soul, that was shaped like a target, in confusion. Who would have their soul out in a situation like this..? Hes really cocky huh..? A knife glistened in his hands as he smiled at me. Was he the one that called me here. I just glared and mumble under my breath.

I felt the floor vibrate slightly as I quickly turn around to see two more figures. One sat with a grey hood over their head, wearing the same armor the one with the target soul was wearing. His eyes where red, With one eye being filled with a blue circle. He held a spear and a maroon scarf sat around his neck. Bright blood red designs covered it and he gripped it as though if he let go it would evaporate.

The other one also held armor and dirty black clothing underneath it. Blood splattered his clothing and armor. Did he never wash his stuff or something..??? His eye was large and bright red. He smiled an eerie smile as his axe glistened in the moonlight. A large wound sat on the top of his skull. Bloody bandages wrapped around his skull and covered one of his eyes. I could see a large hole on the top of his skull peaking through the bandages.


Just great..

Three guards of the neighboring kingdom surrounded me in an empty, small alleyway. I dodnt have my grapple hook, so I couldnt run.. and my dagger wouldnt do much to their armor. But the armor only really covered their main limbs and chest. Their sides where all exposed. I could easily attack and run while their distracted. It's best not to stay and fight all three of them.. Was the letter a trick..?

I glare at the one with the target soul and I speak in a threatening voice. "What do you want." The figure takes a step closer and speaks. His voice scratchy and creepy. "You read the note. You know what we want." Theirs no way this isnt a trap. "Fine then. Tell me what your name is and I'll consider killing whoever you want me to kill." The creepy monster suddenly breaks out laughing "oh please." He says "I'm not the one that sent you the letter. I'm simply the escort."


I feel myself freeze as I notice it's not only us four. I watch as a bright cyan eye opens. Revealing the presence of the dark skeleton. He walks out of the dark shadows, his glowing eye staring into mine.

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