Chapter 7: watching

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Hours went by of me and ink just talking. Their where musicians that sang, magicians that did tricks, and even frisk, the jester, had a small performance. And I hate to admit it but, I kind of enjoyed the party. It made me forget why I was their..

But once the party was over, I was quickly reminded. I watched as ink waved and started to walk away- I couldnt let him get away.. I still needed to know at least where his room was. Or SOMEWHAT the layout of the rest of the castle.

"Wait!" I say before thinking. Ink turns to look at me, slightly confused. "Yes error?" He says kindly. At this point, the guards had already made sure everyone had left, and where waiting by the door for me to leave to. Maids and butlers littered the large thrown room, along with the ball room right next to it.

"I... ummmmmm..." crap, think of something!! "Before I leave, may i go to the nearest restroom? I need to wash my hands due to some of the foods I ate. Hehe." I say as a stupid smile plasters my face. Really? Bathroom? Washing hands!? That's so stupid!! "Oh! Sure! Follow me!" Ink says starting to walk again........


.....hes so stupid....!!

I quickly follow him, looking back at the guards who glare at me. I just look away. Before I walk with ink into the large hallway though, I see blue and frisk talking and laughing while glancing at me and ink.

Oh boy..

I'm welcomed to a long hallway with red carpets and multiple paintings on the walls. He lead me to a large door and smiled. "Here it is!" I smile back. "Thanks. I'll leave as soon as I'm done." I say. He hesitates but speaks up. "You said you live at the edge of levan right..? That's pretty far. If you want, I could get a carriage to bring you home." He says.


"No thank you! I'm fine with walking. I wouldn't want you to waste a carriage on me. I like walking anyway. It's nice out tonight and I'd like to see the stars. Thank you though!" I say quickly. He seems a little conserned but just nods. "Alright.. well.. have a good night error!" He says as he waves and walks away. I walk into the bathroom and close the door, quickly locking it.

I'm in

But how do I find where his room is now? It's to risky to just follow him.. I look around the large bathroom. A grand tub and shower sat at the end of the large room, and a vanity sink sat with a large mirror against the wall. A toilet sat for human guests, and towels and rags sat on a large shelf.

After a minute or two of 'washing my hands', I put my ear up to the door and didnt hear anyone outside waiting for me. I slowly opened the door and looked around, the hallway was empty.

I walked quietly in the direction that ink had walked, looking around every corner to make sure no one was nearby. I continued walking blindly down twists and turns, memorizing where I was going, until I heard a familiar voice behind a closed door.

It was ink.

He was humming a familiar tune, and his door was large and fancy. I put my ear to the door and didnt hear anyone else in their. Only one pair of footsteps. I heard the rustling of wind and outside birds chirping.

So he had an open window or balcony.

I looked around and saw a door next to his. Large engraving and purple and pink engraving laced its details. I walked over and put my ear to the door. Silence. The room was empty. I put my hand on the doorknob and quietly turned it, hearing a small click in response. I slowly and quietly open the door to find no one in their. Their was a large bed, with peices of see through fabric hanging down from the ceiling and covering the top two sides of the bed. What was that thing called..? Eh.. it didnt matter. A white desk sat with a large mirror and makeup products, along with a needle and thread and a few pieces of fabric. Their was a small sewing matchine and a spare skirt and jesters hat sat on a side table. They seemed to have a few holes in them, supposedly why they're waiting to be fixed by the sewing matching. But the jesters hat told me all I needed to know, So this was frisks room. A saw small pictures on her bedside table of her, ink, and blue, one of her and dream, one of a beautiful landscape of a place I didnt recognize, and one of her and chara. Chara was smiling and looked happy. And it was genuine happiness.

What happened to her..?

I shake away the thought. I couldnt get destracted by small things that didnt concern me. I looked around and saw what I was looking for. A large glass door with side curtains and a large balcony outside revealed the midnight moon to me. Bingo-

I freeze as I hear talking outside in the hallway, and the voices sounded all to familiar. Blue, and.. frisk.. they where getting closer-


I quickly rush over to the balcony and open the glass door as quietly as I could, I quickly grab my grapple and look around until I find what I was looking for. Right next door was another balcony. And I could tell by the way I had came, and the light that was shining from inside, revealed that it was inks room. I quickly used my grapple to help me jump over to the next balcony, and i quickly sunk down onto the floor, so that way the thick railings on the edge of the balcony hid most of my body, and my dark bones disguised myself in the dark night.

I heard footsteps walk out onto the balcony I was just on, and i could tell it was frisk because of the jingling of bells and the clanking of high heels.

"Is everything alright?" I heard blue say, he sounded like he was outside of the room in the hallway. Frisk is silent before speaking. "Yes..! I was just a little confused, i think I left my balcony opened and didnt realize it" I hear her yell before she walks back inside and closes the door behind her to the balcony. I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding.

I quickly peak up above the railing and make sure frisk wasnt on the next balcony over, and sure enough, it was empty. I took a deep breath. Ok. So when I do kill ink, make sure frisk and blue arent around. I dont know how thick these walls are and dont want anyone to hear ink scream. I slowly crawl over to the glass door of this balcony and peak inside. Luckily ink had closed the balcony door, so it was harder to see me. I see ink sitting on the floor. He had silk sleep clothing on, they where black with yellow designs on it. The only thing he was still wearing from the party was the large rainbow amulet that sat around his neck. He sat on the floor with a painting sat up against the wall that he sat finishing with gentle strokes of a small paintbrush. So hes a night owl. I could use that. He suddenly perks up and looks in my direction. I quickly hide back behind the wall as I silently hope he didnt see me. My heart starts pounding. How would he see me.. maybe he saw me out the corner of his eye? How was it so quick tho?

Usually I wouldnt freak out about this, if a target saw me while I was gathering information, then I'd just kill then earlier then planned and quickly find a way to escape.

But here?

One big problem, I didn't WANT to kill ink. Blue would be heartbroken and absolutely Hate me!

2nd problem, frisk is right next door, so if ink finds me and makes a commotion, then she'll notify someone, and the closest guard is blue, which is the last person I want to find out about this.

Lastly, if I do even manage to kill him successfully, then how would i get out? This is a castle, with guards at every corner. If I murder him, then I'll be covered in blood. Their not gonna let me walk out of here without questioning me. And I have to get out of here fast if I do kill him..

I feel my body freeze as i hear footsteps walk closer to the balcony from inside inks room. I stand up and press my back to the wall, hoping he doesnt open the balcony door to come outside. I slowly reach my hand into my bag and wrap my hand around my dagger handle. I take off my masqurade mask with my other hand and put it in my bag. A bright white mask isnt nessassarily gonna help me hide in the darkness. I sit still and hope with all my might that he dosnt look out here.

I feel my soul stop pounding as I hear the balcony door open.

Oh boy.

Here we go..

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