Chapter 10: drowning citys

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Inks pov: I rode on my horse with a scared looking blue, and the rest of his men. As we near'd shallen, the rain poured harder, and the thunder boomed louder. My horse halted to a stop all of a sudden and so did blue's.

What the-

I look over at blue to see him looking at the ground. I look as well to see water. It was slowly creeping up the streets due to waves. The waves where small near where the water stopped, but where larger the deeper the water got. We weren't even in shallen yet.

Shallen is no doubt under water.

I look back at blue to see tears in his eyes.

"We need to get over their." He says, his voice quivering. He wipes his tears quickly and his face goes serious. He looks back at his men. "Five of you stay here with the horses and cargoes, if the water starts to creep up more, move the suplies and animals back so that way nothing here gets ruined or hurt. The rest of you get the boats ready. Now!" He says.
His men rush to do as told. I look at the water.

the old cobble road we where on that lead to shallen was surrounded by overgrown trees and vines. I could vaguely see some buildings up far ahead. Water covered the bases of them. Deeper into shallen tho, the buildings would be mostly covered. The buildings where pretty tall, so not covering the entire thing, but the waves where strong, so some buildings might collapse due to their old age and bad structures. I hope maybe I'm tho wrong.

I hope blues wrong too.

Error has to be ok.

I want to get to the bottom of whoever hired error. I know error is bullseye, But clearly hes not wanting to kill me. Most likely hes killed his other targets on his free will, but still. I'll make sure he spends some time behind bars, but if he didnt kill me, then that proves he has some sympathy... I need to know who's behind this, So I need error alive..


Does blue know..?

They're good friends. I imagine it would be hard for a killer to hide that fact from someone their around I'd imagine a lot. Maybe blues the friend in danger? Or maybe hes the one thats forcing error? I really dont think that's it, but you never know.

I trust blue, so I dont think hes in on anything error is doing to me. Or tried to do at least. If he is, then hes most likely the friend that's getting threatened by whoever is forcing error to do this, But I'm not sure.. how would I even figure out who's behind this? Their aparently more powerful then me.. so maybe an enemy kingdom.

"Sir!" Blue yells, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over to see the men already had gotten one small wooden boat ready, and they where getting two more boats ready. "Its ready to go. My men will watch your horse." I nod as I quickly get off my horse and me and blue get onto the boat, along with two of his men. They quickly start rowing and every now and then we hit the ground below us when a bump in the road stops us from rowing in the shallow water, but not long after, we start getting into the deeper water, and into the flooded streets of shallen.

The farther we got into the city, the deeper the water got. Large, old Buildings where halfway under, and the small ones, the roofs were barely peaking out from the now dirty water. Rubble and old left behind house decorations where floating far below the deep water, along with glass and cobble of buildings that has fallen. Looking at the old dirty buildings reminded me how old and dangerous this city really is. The buildings are older then I thought. They looked like they could collapse if you kicked them in the right place.

Half of the buildings had collapsed and the waves threatened to push down more. I had to grip onto the rim of the boat as waves threatened to tip us over. No one was in sight, but at the same time, if they where in a house, they would already be under water.

What if we where to late..

Please say we werent to late-

We had heard error scream on our way here. He could be anywhere in the city, unless their was somewhere he visited a lot. A favorite building or something. Mayne blue would know. He was telling directions after all..

I look over at blue who was clearly anxious. "Blue. Where exactly are you taking us..?" I ask. He hesitates but answers.

"When error stays the night, he always goes to the same place. Hes set up a little hammock and a few supplies in the building. It's a pretty tall building, so I dont think it was under water.. but at the same time-"

Hes cut of when we hear a loud crash, splash, and the sound of something familiar..

Another glitched scream.

Far up ahead, large waves plowed torwards us as rubble started flying out from behind a corner. Blue immediately screamed in fear.

"ROW. THAT WAS THE BUILDING! ERRORS IN THERE!!- GO FASTER. NOW!!!" blue yells at the two men rowing our boat, frantic and scared.

Anxiety filled me.

I didnt know error that well, but death, well.. it scared me. Knowing I could have saved someone, but didnt, is terrifying to me.

The men rowed as hard as they could, nearly flipping several times due to the strong waves. The thunder roared and the clouds grew darker.

If this continued then the flood might reach levan as well..

After struggling, we reached an empty lot of water. Blue seemed terrified and immediately started looking into the water for some sign of life.

"No no no, the building should be here! It fell under! Errors under their!" Blue says, crying now.

"Blue, calm down-" I say before I'm cut of by blue suddenly tearing off his armor, and diving into the water. His men seem panicked, not knowing what to do.

I lean over the boat, looking into the dirty water, looking for blue.

The waves where pounding. They would pull him under in a heart beat, let alone when hes carrying someone.

My heart pounds as I see no one resurface. I cant make anyone else get in the water, that would out them at risk..

After a few seconds, a large splash is heard and blue resurfaces alone. "Blue!!" I yell. "Get back in here! It's not safe!"

"I felt him!"


"I felt him! Error! Hes down their! I'm go back down!"

"What!? No!"

But before I can say more, he dives back under the unforgiving waves.

I wait.

And wait..


He doesnt come back up.

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