Chapter 24: The death of the unloved.

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Error Pov: ink though it best that everyone leave the room. It's best if no one saw nightmare in that state. Everyone walked out of the room with tears in their eyes, with the exception, of dream..

Ink tried to take dream out of the room. But he started screaming, refusing to leave his brothers side. While trying to get him out, ink actually got slapped by dream.

So ink left him alone.

We all left dream and nightmare and we headed to the library. We all sat down in chairs, surrounded by shelves and shelves of books and stories that lay untouched for quiet some time. The room was large, the ceiling bellowed at at least 10 feet above me. The large dark brown shelves nearly reached the ceiling, and ladders layered the shelves so that way people could reach the books that where up high. Their was the area with seats and couches, alongside wooden tables with vases of multicolored flowers in the center, and surrounded by chairs. Where their wasnt shelves, the walls where lined with vast windows and large paintings of plants and trees. Sunlight streamed into the room, illuminating the library with nothing but sunlight, as shadows leaked into the corners that the light couldnt touch. Some tables that where up against the walls, held unlit candles, for when the sunlight had disappeared behind the landscape and the vast moonlight came to view.

We sat on velvet red couches and chairs, yellow frills and designs covered the bottom and the arms of the chairs and couches, and complimented the freshly waxed hardwood floors. Cream colored carpets layed about the seating area, and torwards the front of the library, near the door, sat a few chairs next to a fireplace.

We all sat silently. I sat in a chair, curled up on inks lap. Horror and dust sat on a couch, both on opposite ends. Hate was standing in between the couch that they sat on and an empty table, deep in thought. Frisk and blue stood standing by a large window, and Frisk was looking at blue with concern as blue looked out the window silently. Chara was curled up silently in a chair across from me, and killer was pacing in an empty area behind the chair chara was in.

The room was silent, besides the occasional cry, that everyone was desperately trying to stop.

I look around at everyone. Hate was still lost in thought, chara was crying, but was trying to hide it, and killer was in tears as well, but his expression was angry. I couldn't see dusts expression because his head was in his hand and he was muttering something, and horror was looking at him worriedly going over to him.

Why was he going over to him..?

"Dust- dust look at me-" horror said, trying to comfort his friend. I saw tears fall from dusts face before he suddenly screams, shocking everyone body.

"No!! Shut up! Shut. up.! Dont you understand? This is OUR fualt horror. We didnt do our job!"

Horror spoke up with fear in his voice

"Dust- dont say things like that-"

"Am I wrong!?? What was our job horror!?? Huh???"

"To protect the prince and do whatever he says. I know! But we didnt know!"

"what was the exception to that rule horror??"


"We always listen to him unless what he tells us to do will hurt him, or risks hurting him! We knew something was wrong- yet we did nothing to try and help him or figure out what was wrong! It OUR job to keep him safe no matter what! And we're still supost to protect dream as well, and yet we didnt stop nightmare from hiring AN ASSASSIN- OR EVEN WORSE WATCHING HIM THREATEN AN ASSASSIN- to kill our kings best friend- do that way he can kill dream!!

WE failed him. WE should have told someone. If we did, nothing like this would have happened! We would... he might still be.........


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