epilogue: the last letter.

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        10 years later

Error POV: I sat calmly on the outside deck padio infront of the newly cuntrusted pool. The lounging chair that I sat on was firm, yet comfortable, and the sun burned onto me with no mercy. The sound of early morning birds chirped loudly, despite it being close to noon. The subtle splashing of water filled my ears as the pool sent smells of chlorine throughout the air.

A squirming at my chest caused me to wake up from my peaceful thoughts.

I looked down with a smile as I watched the small infant laying on chest, wake up.

My adopted son gradient, no more then around a year old, squirmed as he yawned himself awake.

He wore a small green pancho, seeming how for some reason he didnt really like shirts, and some comfy brown pants ( his favorite ). His black bones shined as his red eyes looked at me. Small green markings on his cheeks made his chubby face just that much cuter.

"Good morning sweetheart~" I said to the small infant who was clearly still tired.

Gradient moved slightly before looking around. A look of disappointment shadowed his face, as he looked around the patio, and saw no one else with me. I chuckled.

"Dont be upset baby. We can go find your brother. Hes probably just insid-"

I flinch as the door slams open and a small figure rushes outside, sprinting at full speed before cannon balling into the new pool. I rolled my eyes as I watch my other adopted son, paperjam, 7 years of age, and gradients actual platonic brother, surface from the deep water.

He laughed and I smiled.

"Looks like we found him gradient." I say calmly

Gradients laughter echo'd throughout the patio as he watched his brother with a smile.

It was then I noticed that paperjam, pj for short, was still wearing his nice clothing instead of a bathing suit. His black bones contrasted against his pink and yellow stained cheeks. His big eyes shined with joy, and his nice white and gold button up sat tucked under his black pants.

"Pj! I told you that if you wanted to swim, to change your cloths! Now your good cloths are all dirty! Go inside and change into a bathing sui-"

"YAHOOOO!" I hear a familiar voice scream before I watch ink, my husband, jump into the pool with all his cloths on as well.

Pj and gray ( gradient ), both burst out onto laughter as ink surfaces and smiles at me.

Chara and frisk walk out from the inside and notice ink, laughing.

I roll my eyes again as I stand up, handing gray to frisk, who gladly takes him and starts tickling him before I go over to the edge of the pool.

"I was just telling your son that he shouldnt be in the pool with his good cloths on. You shouldnt be in the pool in your royal cloths on either mister." I say, looking at ink who has a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh come on sweetheart! Hes only 7! And you cant get onto him if your wet too!"he says before grabbing my leg and starting to pull me torward the pool from the ledge of the pool-side. I fell onto back, but held onto the ground to where he couldnt drag me.

I yelled, despite laughing and smiling.

"Pj! Grab the other leg!" Ink yells, and the laughing 7 year old did as told, trying to pull me in. I laughed and looked back at the two sister jesters.

"Help me!" I say while laughing and reaching to chara for help.

Chara calmly walks over to me with a smile.

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