Chapter 31: a lump of a pixel curse

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The figure/ his POV: I yawn as I open my eyes to the bright beams of the sun. I felt uncomfortable due to the hard floor and tree trunk, but I had gotten use to it through constantly being out in the forest.

I felt the surface I was laying on move slightly. I slowly sit up and look over to notice I was resting my head on killers shoulder. He was talking to chara, who was sitting next to a smiling, silent frisk. Killer looked at me as I sat up, and gave me a warm smile.

"Morning sleeping beauty" he says with a sly attitude. I cant help but chuckle.

"Hey. Stop that kills. Your gonna take my job." Chara says, gesturing to her jester clothing. Killer sticks his tounge out at her, and laughs.

I smile.

I look around. Blue and dream was still asleep, alongside horror, who was snoring loudly. I stand up and look at our surroundings.

Nothing was really out of the ordinary.

Except for the fact that my chest felt heavy.

I felt that something bad had happened.

I couldnt help but worry.

I talked to killer and chara as I waited for the others to wake up. 30 minutes pass by before blue wakes up, followed by dream less then five minutes later. It takes another hour before horror actually manages to wake up, rather aggressively I might add. He was sleeping and snoring peacefully before he suddenly shot up, wide awake.

I asked If he had had a nightmare and he said he did. Aparently in his dream he ran out of steak to eat, so he got frustrated and woke up.

Not something I would really consider a nightmare.. but ok..

We all started gathering everything. Feeding our horses and getting them ready to go.

I did notice something however.

I wasn't the only one that felt this way.

I have a keen ability to notice when people are feeling down or negative. I dont know why.. just an ability I possess I supose..





And especially blue.

All had a very bad feeling


I shake it off.

I stroke the nose of my horse gently. It looked at me with large eyes, and it kept moving around.

Was it scared to..?


I flinch as I turn towards the forest as I heard a women scream my name violently. My horse started jumping and screeching in fear.

Why did that voice sound so familiar

"Who was that!?!?" I scream in concern and confusion.

Killer notices my panic and speaks up "who was what?? Are you ok??" He says as chara goes over and manages to calm down my horse.

I look around and cant help but notice that everyone was looking at me with confusion.

No one heard it.

A scream again-

I look out to the forest once more. And the horse starts moving frantically.

I quickly untied the horse silently from the thick tree and saddled it. Everyone immediately starts to asked where I was going, exept for my men and chara, who knew it was useless trying to convince me of anything once I had my mind set.

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