chapter 20: he never woke

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Error pov:

I sat in a black room, 'alone' with only my thoughts.

The silence was unbearable. Every breath I took echoed through the large void. I felt alone, but I knew eyes where watching me from every angle. Peering and digging into my soul and eyes. Their judgement collapsed my lungs as I felt my breathing give way.

I felt arms surround me and choke me, digging their fingertips into my skin as blood dripped from my wounds.

Let go-

Their screams started to destroy the silence. Echoing and banging into my eardrums.

Hes comming-



I need for time-


I shoot up from my bed a cold sweat, gasping for a breath from the sudden nightmare. The room felt cold from the night air as the balcony door stood open. The curtains fluttered in the wind as cold air rushed into my large room.

Crap.. I forgot I left the door creaked open. I didnt k ow the wind would be so strong as to open it up tonight. Stupid on my part.

What time was it..?

I look at the sky from the open doors. I couldnt tell if it was close to morning yet. Did I wake up early? Or was it still night? I couldnt see the moon from where I layed on my bed. So either it mean the moon had already set, or was still above the castle, meaning it was closer to midnight

I look around my room in a paranoid manner, on edge from the dream.

I still felt as if I wasnt alone. I felt wide awake due to the fear that flowed through me. I stood up, shaking slightly, and walked over to the balcony doors, closing them as the sound of rushing wind suddenly stops, barely audible from the outside behind the now closed, thin doors.

I lean on the door and close my eyes, taking deep breaths as to try and settle this unnerving feeling.

But it didnt go away.

And for good reason.

"Its a shame when people wake up from such a good nightmare."

I feel my heart stop and my adrenaline start pumping. I quickly turn around to see no one.

Where. Was. He.

"But alas. Once one nightmare ends-"

A blue eye stares at me from the shadows as I notice the figure standing at the entrance to my room.

"Another begins.. doesnt it error..?"

I wanted to yell,

I wanted to scream,

I wanted to run-

But despite my troubled efforts, I couldnt bring any part of me to move.

My lips stood open in shock and fear, frozen in place to where they couldnt even make a small whimper.

And my body was stiff. Still in shock as my mind fought for control over my fight of flight instincts.

I needed more time.

Not tonight-

Why tonight-

I watched as his figure walked torwards me. My breathing quickened as he approached, my soul felt heavy and fear overtook me.

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