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  After the little bickering at breakfast, I quickly went and did all my duties and as expected... it was tiring. Clearly, I am not fit being a princess. All the works are just so hard and I might get wrinkles soon AND—or maybe I'm just lazy and just overreacting?

  . . . . .

  Yeah, I'm just overreacting....

  It was in the afternoon when a maid told me my dearest friend came to visit me. I immediately told her to prepare tea and biscuits to which she replied 'I already did, Your Highness."

  She lead me to the garden, which was in full bloom. Flowers littered around the area; differs in colors and kinds. Not only it looked beautiful, it smelled beautiful. A content smile wormed its way on my lips, inhaling the freah air around me afterwards. Not too long after, I saw my friend sitting in a pavilion, table infront of her, eagerness on seeing me clearly obvious on her body language and her feet tapping continuously beneath her.

  I dismissed the maid and walked towards my friend. A grin stretched across my face when she noticed footsteps approaching her. She mirrored my expression and stood up to hug me. I hugged her back and stayed like that for a couple minutes. I pulled away first and gaze at her sweet, gentle smile.

  "I've missed you, Y/N", she greeted. "I've missed you too, Niki. More than you know", I replied. She huffed out a little giggle which made my heart flutter, "No, I've missed you more". I narrowed my eyes playfully at her and squeezed her hand lightly, which made her giggle more. "No, I've missed you more. Much more bigger than this world", I exclaimed dramatically, holding my arms out. "I've missed your beautiful face and sweet smile", I finished. Niki's face flushed pink, her giggles turned into laughs. I joined her not too long after.

  After our little laughs, we sat down and ate. Popping a cookie in my mouth and swallowing it, I asked Niki, "So, you have been alright? Nothing eventful happened?" She looked at me and replied, "Nothing, actually. The bakery has been good and yes, I've been fine", sighing afterwards. I frowned softly at her, "Still haven't found them yet?" She settled down her cup and sighed again, "Nope. Still haven't. Where could they be?"

  I feel bad for Niki. She's a family friend of a Ducal house and the youngest son ran away with his friends to Notch knows where. They've been gone for six months and no one still found them yet. The Duke and his other two sons have been worried sick for them. That includes Niki. Pray to Notch that they are safe and fed.

  I reached out and held the girl's hand, "It's alright. We'll find them, eventually." I shot a reassuring smile at her. She gave me a sad smile and said, "I believe you and... thank you". "Of course. Anything for you, Niki."

  She straightened her posture, "So, how about you? Nothing happe—OH! Your suitors! Still not?" She cut herself mid-way, exclaiming about my marriage problem. "Nope, not yet", I replied. "You know...", she put her head on the back of her hand. "If you don't find one soon, I bet the King might have to find someone for you". It's true. If I keep this up, Father might put my hand in marriage to someone else.

  I sighed, "I know. I know". "There are millions of suitors but—HEY!" She cut herself mid-way again as I suppressed a giggle. "Remember the prince from the kingdom of Ignis? What's his name again..."

  "Prince Sapnap"

  "Yeah, that prince..."

  "Why? Is there something wrong?", curiosity filling me. She pondered, "He was your childhood friend along with your brother and the other prince, no?"

  Prince Sapnap. My dearest, childhood friend Prince Sapnap.

  That guy. He has been isolating himself within his castle at the age of eleven, since he took the crown, since his parents died. Both of his parents died in a shipwreck to Ludenreste Kingdom to form an alliance. Sapnap was devastated to hear the news and was made Crowned Prince of Ignis at the age of twelve (exactly a year after his parents' death). It was early, too early and people knew. But who would rule the kingdom other than the only heir?

  When Father heard a young boy is ruling a kingdom, he did his very best to guide the boy. King Lucius of Ludenreste too, helped Sapnap on how to rule a kingdom. The boy though, has grown distant. Driving himself away from outsiders' contact, though he is still grateful for the guidance of two great kings.

  People didn't mind it, though. They know he has to cool down after the years of his parents' death. He has a big burden on his shoulders by ruling a kingdom at such a young age, after all. Nonetheless, the kingdom didn't fall, it only thrived even more. A success, of you will.

  "–/N? Y/N?!" I jumped up from my seat to Niki covering her little laugh. I retook my seat and asked, "What?", confusion laced my voice, Niki trying hard not to laugh. "You've been zoning out for minutes". I scratched the back of my head as I wore a sheepish smile, "Sorry..." I peeped out.


  We enjoyed our time together after that and speaking of time, it was time for Niki to go home before it gets too dark. She was about to step into her carriage, when she stopped. She faced me and said, "Oh! I forgot to give you this..." She rummaged for something in her carriage when she pulled out a bouquet of roses. It's still surprisingly fresh too.

  "Here! Hannah told me to give you this", she said as she headed me the flowers. I took it and inhaled its scent. It smells divine. "I immediately knew whose these from judging how well it looks. Thank you. And do tell Hannah how amazing her roses are" I said, a smile on my face. Niki mirrored my expression and replied, "You're welcome, and and I will tell Hannah about it". She waved goodbye at me, "Goodbye, Your Highness", she said closing the carriage door. I laughed at her sudden formality as I waved at her, "Goodbye, Lady Niki". We both laughed and shouted goodbyes until her carriage is out of sight.

   A content smile spread across my lips and exhaled, happy that Niki came to visit me after a long day. Though, a certain Prince still lingered in my mind. How's he been?

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