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  "So, do you mind telling me where'd you got that?," he asked, fiddling with the tiara I had when I was a little wee baby.

  I looked down at the crimson gem on my palm. "Um... uhh..," was all I could muster up. Sapnap noticed and faced me, "It's okay if you don't want to."

  I shook my head, eyes still on the necklace, "No, no. It's fine. Uhh, this is my mother's—well, was—actually. She gave it to me before she passed away. It's quite special. Remember when Mother, Cornelius and I went one time to your place where my skirt almost set on fire so I ran around trying to put it out?"

  Sapnap snickered as he remembers the memory, tipping his crown the second time, "Yeah, we tried to tell you to get in the water fountain but you didn't listen because you were scared and busy running around so Clay and I went to the last resort... water buckets." I laughed lightly, "Yeah, you both dumped me with cold water. It was freezing even though we were literally around fire."

  He hummed. I sighed, "Well after that, we decided to walk along the streets and this little thing, caught my mother's eyes. It complimented her eyes, actually, being red and all. So Clay and I suggested she should take it with a pair of earings. The necklace and the earings were a set, after all. And... uh, on her deathbed, she gave it to me and the earings to Cornelius. I bet he placed it inside a glass box." I finished and a smile full of sorrow appeared on my face.

  The fire prince took hold of my hands gently as he said, "I'm sorry that I didn't attend your mother's funeral. That was a dick move. I'm really so–"

  "No, stop it. It's fine. You don't have to apologize. You were having a hard time so don't worry."

  "It is true bu–"

  "No buts, Sapnap, really. It's fine."

  Busy staring at the prince's black orbs, I didn't notice his hands snaking to my shoulders until he pulled me into a sudden hug. A small yelp escaped my lips at our sudden closeness. We haven't been this close since... well, a decade.

  I returned the hug as he nuzzled his face onto my shoulder before letting go. I giggled when I saw his crown sitting in an awkward angle. I'm surprised I really never bothered to look at the crown before (since he only wears it only once in a while or never).  A simple obsidian crown with three spikes standing, little gems for decoration. It may look rough but looking closely, it looks smooth.

  Reaching up to place his crown properly, I noticed the lingering gaze upon me. Shifting my eyes, I have come upon eye contact with the fire prince.

  Prolonged eye contact has been made before I forced myself to look away from his eyes (and to cool off my heating face). I managed to catch a look on his face before it whisked away, back to the faint smile on his lips.

  When I looked out the window, the moon was already up. Exactly how long have we been here? I heard Sapnap release a small 'oof' before saying "Well, I better get going. Don't wanna be late for dinner, you know?" and went to the balcony.

  "Yeah, I should clean up too," I said. He gave me a small nod before climbing up the vines and towards his quarters. I guess he trusts the vines now.


  Retreating to my room after dinner, I went to change into my sleep gown. It was a simple white gown that reached just above my ankles with frills on the collar and chest. Another thin fabric that hung from the waist and to the middle of my thighs, the sleeves wrapped loosely around my arms.

  I literally jumped into my bed. I mean, I deserved it. After a long day, after coming out unscathed after a raid, I deserved to at least have a good night sleep.

  But of course sleeplessness had to kick in.

  I opened my eyes after the fruitless amounts of times I tried to fall asleep. I sighed and kicked my blankets off that dared to tangle with my limbs, and my slightly tangled hair. After stretching, I headed straight for the balcony and caught a prince escaping his own room.

  "Heh, um... hi?," he said and continued to climb down the vines. Interesting. He isn't using his crown. A white strip of fabric wraps around his forehead instead.

  Landing without a sound, he turned to face me and gave me a sheepish smile whilst scratching his head because I'm sure I gave him a look of confusion. All I could muster up to speak was "What... are you doing?"

  A nervous laugh escaped his lips and cleared his throat awkwardly. "I, uh.." he started. "I... want to go down the balcony.. below yours. Yeah! Below yours."

  I threw a smirk on his way, "Sapnap, I have been living in this castle since I was born. I know every nook and cranny in this castle, and some passageways in these walls," As soon as I mentioned the word 'passageways', he cut me off. "Wait, wait, wait! You have got to show me these passageways!"

  I deadpanned at him, "Please let me finish."

  "Right! Right..."

  "What I'm saying is, there isn't a balcony below mine. Just an intact wall with a long, windy staircase inside." I then crossed my arms after. He widened his eyes and leaned to peek below, and true to my word, the wall before the balcony stretches down to the ground. Giving it at least fifteen feet below.

  The prince then straightened his posture with pursed lips. Clearing his throat, he said, "Right. Uh, my bad," and fixed the white fabric.

  "What do you really want, Sapnap?"

  "Well, I just can't sleep, that's all."

  I let my smirk drop and inhale the midnight air before exhaling. "Yeah. Me too."

  Silence stretches before us before Sapnap broke it. "Hey, do you remember when your parents would do a play just for the four of us kids?"

  "Of course. How could I not?"

  Ah, the times when our golden childhood was blooming. The midnight wind flew past by our loose hair.

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