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  I squinted my eyes as I peeked around the corner. Rhythmically tapping my fingers on the wall, looking around if anyone was in sight. As I deemed it safe, I stepped out of the corner and tip–toed as fast as I can. Feet as soundless as a mouse.

  The ball had ended late last night and everyone had left the vicinity with sure eyebags. The two princes and the king, however, stayed. Because... I am indeed married to George so I don't think there is an escape from that.

  Well, that's what I thought when an incredible idea popped into my head. I was going to act on it but first, I have to make a detour.

  Basket tightly gripped by my hand, I dashed for the door and successfully made it in without Sam seeing. I held a smug smile before my ears caught a catcall from a really sinning criminal. I sneered in disgust.


  "You guys are finally leaving the day after tomorrow."

  Tubbo, as usual, had a bright sparkle to his eyes. In between munches, he exclaimed, "Yeah, I know! We'll be out in the real world again!"

  He shoved a tart into his mouth and spoke again with his mouth full, "We can finally feel the sun again!" Hands in the air as joy radiated off of him. Of course, I smiled at the boy's antics.

  Tommy grumbled, "Lucky for you, you don't even have duties waiting for you."

  "Actually, he does." Ranboo corrected. "He is working temporarily at the mansion."

  "At least, it's not loaded with absolute dogshit like mine!"

  "Tommy, you do realise that I literally clean the stable horses' shit everyday, feed baby goats and keep bees in place, right?"

  They both stared at each other with Tubbo in his, quite adorable, deadpan expression and Tommy with his nose scrunched up, making a face while Ranboo and I watch by the sidelines.

  The Duke's son just shrugged and mumbled, "Well, it is better than having to write all day."

  We all sighed.


  And now, back onto my previous plan after being caught by Sam when I stepped outside the dungeons and told me off.

  I hid at a corner again. Tip–toed again like an assassin sneaking inside a heavily–guarded kingdom.

  I noticed something different at a certain curtain. While the others have obvious frills, this one does not. It has a clear lump. Something is inside it. Well, someone, actually. There are boots peeking out under.

  I scanned the hall again. Seeing that nobody is here, I quietly made a mad dash towards the lumped curtain. As I arrived within arms–reach, I opened and hid in it, enveloping me and the person in darkness provided by the heavy fabric.

  I panted and leaned myself on a sturdy, strangely warm and moving, wall. Utter realisation came to me as I heard breathing behind.

  I turned around and I came face to face with the most prettiest man in the world. "Oh, hi" was the first thing I said.

  Instead of answering, he leaned in for a kiss which I dodged by turning my head. But he improvised. Now, he's kissing the slope of my neck.

  I giggled, "Pandas, stop it." He hummed. "Stop being a kiss fiend. I just confessed my love for you last night."

  "But that's irrelevant. You love me and I love you. So, that means, I get to kiss you now." He mumbled on my bare shoulder and I literally felt my stomach churning and my heart clenching. Or in romance books' vocabulary, butterflies swarmed in my stomach and my heart melting.

  I hit his shoulder, "Stop it. You're making me melt."

  "Because of me?"

  "Yes, idiot. Because of you."

  He chuckled on my shoulder and met my eyes whilst his head still on my shoulder. He spoke in the most hottest way a person could have spoken and if this is not hot to you, you are not viewing it right. "Well then, you'd be a wet puddle in mere seconds. Because. Of. Me."

  If it weren't for him standing straight again and held me by the waist, I would have been on the floor. Woah. Holy shit, what the fuck was that?

  "Alright, enough of this before... A—anyway, I have a plan to stop this marriage."

  He raised a brow in interest. "Oh yeah?" he said in the most smug tone I have ever heard. Well, except for the times when he used the tone when teasing both Clay and George.

  I felt small all of a sudden under his gaze and I stuttered out, "Y—yeah."

  Goddammit, gather your balls together, Y/N!

  "But we have to inform Clay and George about this or it will never work!"

  He chuckled once again and ruffled my hair, "Alright, alright. I got it." I pouted. "This hair took me ages to style so stop touching it." I remarked.

  He held his hands up as if surrendering and walked out of the heating curtain.

  After deeming it safe, I exhaled. I put a hand on my chest and felt my heart beating rapidly.

  I need to sit down for a moment.

  Those images of him imprinted itself on my mind and I can't get it off.

  Pictures of him smirking down at me showed. His eyes filled with love. His passionate kiss. Sharing one breath. Heart to heart. Holding him as mine publicly.

  I felt my cheeks burn up and I slapped myself lightly to stop thinking of him and walked out of the suffocating thick, red fabric.

Speaking: a short chapter for now because of that one line he said!!!

fuck this brain!!!

i was brainstorming a response to that "youre making me melt" typa shit. but my mind went to heatwaves. "i burn you? you melt me."

my brain shouted at me to be orginal and gave me this stupid fucking line!!!

but hahaha, i enjoyed that line. it is probably the best line i have ever made in my entire life!!!

but heyy, i really want to know, if someone ever tells you that you are making them melt and you say "Well then, you'd be a wet puddle in mere seconds. Because. Of. Me." tell me whats their reaction.

idc if they call you a weirdo or you accidentally turned them on, i just wanted to see if this works in the real world.

im asking you coz you have a real world with real friends so im just asking out of curiosity..

but anyways, 14.4k views, darlingss!! thank you so so much for being with me and my first ever book. you guys are the best!!

sadly, Eros is coming to an end but DUN, DUN, DURUNDUN, DUN!!!  a new story will come out after. as if it was a new chapter for Eros when its really a new story so pow pow bitch!!

thank you, i love you, darling!!!


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