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  That night, a dreamless sleep approached me. All I could think about is Sapnap.

  Sapnap this, Sapnap that.

  All is Sapnap.

  Even fire reminds me of Sapnap. Ironically, water too. Since some childhood days of ours involved water.

  Ever since Niki mentioned him, I can't get him out of my head. Hell, I even almost forgotten him. Keyword, almost.

  From time to time, Father would send him letters regarding his well-being and the kingdom. Only then to reply a quarter of Father's letter. Rude, I know. What's even more rude is that I sent him letters yet he never replied any of them.

  A part of me hoped that the letters just got lost in the mail, but he probably recieved it and just threw it in the trash as I heard Sapnap's mood had become... cranky.

  This morning, I became lazy so I took off to the library and read some books, successfully avoiding all of my duties. After reading seven books (namely: three political, two history and two novels (I'm a fast reader)), I decided to take on some fresh air and not just inside the castle but to the city.

  I went outside the doors and inhaled the fresh air. My moment broke when a guard spoke up. "Your Highness," he stooped into a bow.

  "Would you like a chaperone?" I believe his name is Markus? "Your name is Markus, is it not?", I said, jabbing a finger to his way. He nodded, "Yes, Your Highness". I smiled at him, shaking my head, "Thank you for the offer, Markus, but I'll be fine. But if I were in danger, I'm sure there are also guards down at the city". Markus didn't argue my decision, instead he stooped down in a bowing position once again as he said, "Well, I hope your visit to the village will be pleasurable, Your Highness".

  "Maybe you can fetch my horse, Markus?"

  He nodded—this time briefly—and headed towards the stables to get my horse.


  The trip to the city was made as the clacking of a horse's hooves is mixed by the chattering of people, the shouts of vendors and the laughs of children all in one. The sound of the outside world really brings out the joy in me.

  They immediately made way as they saw their princess visiting their streets. People quickly fixed their posture and their belongings and called for the younguns mumbling something like; 'The princess is here!', 'Fix yourself!' and 'Be presentable. Her Highness is here.'

  I hopped off of my horse and went to a fruit stand near me. The vendor hastily removed any unnecessary rubbish from his stand and fixed himself. He bowed at me, "Good afternoon, Your Highness. What brings you to the village?". "Good afternoon. Uhh, nothing. I just want to come down here. It's been a while since I've been here", I answered, smiling as I did.

  "Wow. Your fruits looks very fresh. Did you just pick them?", I said as I picked up an apple. It's very red, it must be young and juicy. The vendor nodded enthusiastically, "Yes. It's our first stock. My wife works very hard growing these", he said, gesturing the variety of fruits. He asked, "Would you—Hey!," he stopped his suggestion as a raccoon came and stole whatever it can reach before running away.

  "...you stupid brat! Come back here with those fruits! MY WIFE WORKED VERY HARD ON THOSE ORANGES! ESPECIALLY, THOSE APPLES!"

  The vendor tried to run after the raccoon but stopped after and yelled at the animal to come back as he yelled curses and swears at it. Remembering that I was still standing at the stall, he panicked and came back within a second. He bowed and apologized profusely at me for leaving and yelling slurs.

  "Your Highness, I'm so sorry. I'm sor-" "Oh, please don't. It's fine. I have heard that raccoons have been going around and steal food", I cut him off since the situation was out of his hand. He scratched the back of his head as he nodded slowly, "It is true. To be honest, it's getting very annoy—Hey!,"

  He shouted once again but this time, he's looking behind me. I turned around to see another raccoon stealing grapes this time.

  "Catch those brats!", the vendor yelled again. The people around us turned to look at the raccoon and covered all their belongings, fearing they might get robbed, expressions all shocked and afraid. Afraid because they might be robbed by measly animals.

  The raccoon easily went past everyone who tries to catch it, swiftly avoiding grabbing arms. Suddenly, the raccoon stopped running and turned to look at me. I stare at it with wide eyes as it sniffed me while still holding the stolen things. "Princess, get away from that animal!", I heard someone yell but I didn't turn away as I was still busy staring at the raccoon in its eyes.

  I only looked away when someone yelled 'Princess!' again. I looked at the vendor's eyes for only then the raccoon to scurry away when I looked back. The vendor let out a relieved sigh as everyone else did when the raccoons have scrambled to retreat into the woods.

  "Those brats..," I heard the vendor sigh beside me. I looked at him pinching his nose bridge with creased brows. "Princess," I heard the vendor again. "..you are very lucky that those rodents have not stole from you so please, look out for your valuable belongings."

  I only gave him a symphatetic smile as I nodded and walked away.

  I turned my gaze back at the path the raccoons took in the woods. 'How odd," I thought. 'I wonder who might have been training these raccoons to steal for them. I mean, they are rodents and they would just steal for themselves but regarding what they stole, someone definitely trained them.' I finished the little dialogue in my head as I rode my horse through the streets.

  Getting back home from the city was still the same as I got to the place instead this time, the sun hung low.

  As I soon as I got back to the palace, one of the maids have told me that Father very much wanted to see me only then to get scolded by how my professors had told him that I wasn't in class as usual.

  It then got solved by giving me double of what my workload is for the whole month. Tough, I know, but that's just what Father is, and I'm very much more tougher...

  At least, it's only for a month and not for—pardon my language—a whole assed year. So yeah...

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