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  "Princess, wake up! An urgent meeting has been announced," I stirred from my sleep by the voice of Anne and her light shakes.


  Anne opted me to get up but I still didn't budge, all the while she said, "An urgent meeting has been announced in the court." I ripped off the warm blankets off me and was greeted by the cold temperature of... the dawn? Rubbing my eyes, still half-asleep, I asked, "What? What time is it and... why?"

  "The Crowned Prince of Ignis has come to Goodenforth."

  I shot up from my bed.

  That surely woke me up...

  Everything was a blur after I heard the news and it seemed that I have remembered just a few scenes. I remember opting Anne to prepare a bath—and unsurprisingly—she already did. I remember hastily slipping on my dress with the help of my maid, and her telling me another news that made me even more awake than ever. I also remember styling my hair sloppily and rushed out of my quarters. But I had still managed to look like a human being.


  I dashed through the hallways of the castle. A few people are up considering it's still too early. Some didn't mind my sudden energy, some shot me confused expressions but didn't mind it as I was in front of the huge oak doors that led through the court room.

  I quickly sat down on my throne, awaiting for them to arrive. Father shot me a soft-scolding look and I sheepishly smiled at him and looked away. He only shook his head and looked at the doors that busted open, noise filling in the room.

  I saw three boys getting dragged in the room, hands tied behind them. One blonde, one brunet and one... hybrid? What a sight to see. They all had their heads down, feeling guilty for what they did for the past months; and they are still teenagers yet they are being set off in the dungeon. What a heart breaking sight.

  I look up from the three boys only to meet fierce, black eyes boring into mine.

  He looks... different, that's for sure. But there's something about him that made me...

  I don't know. It's hard to put it into words. He's grown handsome, to be honest.

  My eyes widen at the thought so I shook them away. He looked so mature, so... experienced? Huh? Is that the right word?

  He's grown up to be a fine gentleman. Impressive, Sapnap.

  One of my father's right hand man announced, "Please welcome, Crowned Prince Sapnap of Ignis."


  A pained two hours of yelling and negotiating trial have passed. It was tiring.

  The boys first told their names namely Thomas, the Duke's son; Tubbo, a bestfriend of Thomas and the son of a pirate woman who had left for her voyage; and Ranboo, the hybrid friend.

  And later they have admitted they ran away from home to avoid Thomas' duties, to which his friends agreed. They first fled to Ludenreste. They ran out of food which resulted to stealing using raccoons. Feeling sick of staying in one place (even though they stayed there for two months), they moved to Ignis.

  They said the raccoons hadn't much agreed to stay in a hot place, so they we're the ones that stole to eat, doing it for two months again. One night, sick and tired of eating fruits, they decided on stealing in the palace kitchen. Didn't even think about covering their faces, they went in. It was successful at first but Ranboo, being the tall friend he is, accidentally hit the hanging pan above his head and fell to ground, emitting the most loudest sound in the entire palace.

  That woke up one of the servants and when they got spotted, they ran away and got back to where they started, Goodenforth, opting to never come back to not anger the Crowned Prince who has anger-issues. And thus, the robberies in the village happened.

  Of course, this angered Sapnap. Now knowing that teenagers had been stealing in his kingdom (and a lot than in the other kingdoms), he decided to exile the trio for robbing three kingdoms in a span of six months. Some agreed, some decided much more rash, and some completely defied the choice namely, the Ducal family and Niki.

  Of course, I couldn't stand seeing the trio of teenagers in exile or even much worse or even disappointing Niki that I didn't do anything, I decided to voice out to put them in the dungeon for two months.


  "Why two months?! They have stolen goods within six months and you gave them two months in the dungeons?!," A man in the court yelled.

  "I understand but please, at least hear out my reasoning. Everybody, please take a look at them. They are only teenagers. It is only natural for them to crave freedom, to avoid all responsibilities. Do you really want these teenagers in exile for initiating what they want?"

  "I agree with my sister. I'm sure all of you would do the same when you're overloaded with too much work, young and old alike. They didn't think about the consequences about how it would come to this. Look at them. You already heard that they feel guilty and apologized. So why not put them in a cell for two months?"

  The court room was filled with mumbles as I looked at Cornelius, thankful that he agrees with my decision. I looked away to meet the trio's hopeful eyes and the small smiles they have. I gave the a reassuring look, telepathically telling them 'everything's gonna be alright.'

  "Father?," I heard Cornelius' call to Father who is deep in thought.


  It was successful. Father had decided to put the boys in the dungeons for two months and I couldn't forget how happy the boys' looks were when my suggestion worked. That they were off the hook, somehow.

  After the trial, I went straight to Niki to engulf her in a hug. The Ducal family thanked my save for their son and his friends. Duke Philza Watson with his other sons, Lord Technoblade Watson and Lord Wilbur Watson.

  The expressions on their faces was contagious. I couldn't help but smile along with them.

  Right now, trudging along the palace walls, I'm heading to the dungeons to see the boys and who knows, they might turn to be my friends. They look fun, after all.

  And they might help me forget Sapnap's intense stare throughout the whole trial.

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