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  In my nightgown, with Sam in front of me and occasional quakes rang through the walls as we jog through the hallways to deliver myself to safety, in the arms of my father.

  Hopefully, this war would be over soon. And so Cornelius and the others shall come back safely.

  Not even getting a rest, another arrow shot through the air, right by Sam's face. He growled, and shoved me right by an empty, standing iron armor with its palms limped on top of a sword. And there, the warden fights the foul-breathed savage.

  As they kept exchanging blows, a soldier came out of a corner and helped Sam as another pillager came to help his friend.

  Of course, it wouldn't hurt to at least protect yourself, so I grabbed the sword near me just in case but the plan horribly worked because the moment I took away the sword, the rest of the armor fell to the floor, resulting in a loud, crashing sound.

  The four men stopped fighting to look at a princess in an awkward stance with a sloppy smile. All I could think was, 'Fucking dammit..'

  Then, they went on to fighting as if nothing happened. As if they saw a ghost that is similar to me. I'm not forgetting this, am I? ...... Fuck.

  But then, the pillager had tackled the soldier to the ground and rose to his feet, making the pillager's back facing me as he faced the fallen soldier while Sam is struggling to help him and fend off the enemy he's currently fighting.

  He took slow steps towards the soldier as if to haunt him and of course, I had to do something since the warden is currently occupied.

  So, without any experience on swords, I plunged the glistening iron blade into the pillager's back left, right where his heart should be. And the blood splattering on my face didn't help as I grimaced away, leaving the sword standing on his back and a thump was heard.

  I frantically (and sloppily) wiped the blood spots on my face but as my eyes landed on my reflection by the chestplate on the floor, I looked like a psychopath who had finished stabbing someone as my hair was disheveled and blood smears on my face.

  Whilst doing that, the remaining pillager stopped to look at his fallen brother. He paused, and rage clear in his eyes as he cast his cold blue eyes at my vulnerable state. He harshly pushed Sam aside as he marched at my way, with Sam immediately yelled, "Princess!"

  With wide, clueless eyes, I looked up and the menacing enemy was almost at arms near. I took one step away and suddenly, the pillager flinched, his eyes rolled back into his head and dropped to ground. By his tailbone revealed a certain trident and an axe.

  Not wanting to print the image in my head, I landed my eyes to the soldier then Sam, who was now leaning on his elbows.

  The floor seemed to sway under my feet as I chuckled, "Heh" and my vision blacked and my body collapsing.

  Good thing though, the warden's reflexes were fast paced because my head would collide with an exposed, sharp part of the armor if he had not catched my head. It would have been a bloody mess.


  Feeling a patch of warmth on my left arm, I stirred from my slumber to remove that irritating feeling. As the warmth left, relief came over me but I soon realised my lower body felt as if it was cooked in an oven, contrasting the coolness of upper body.

  I hastily took away my legs out of the excruciating heat and begrudgingly opened my eyes. Literal dead green eyes, might I add. They wandered around the space I am in and it came over me, I am in the abandoned tower by the east wing.

  It wasn't relatively clean but you could tell storage here was neatly placed. Old dressers and broken vanities are placed here as dust began to pile up. There is that old love couch back when I was younger. Sadly, the springs sprung out and the fabric is all ripped. The glass ceiling above is now in a brown color as dust motes floated down. Thin vines crawled over the walls too, as well as moss and large cobwebs.

  This place seriously needs a thorough wash but it would get really dusty if I would just give a single firm pat to those sofas.

  The bed I am on though, has its sheets replaced with clean ones, so does the pillows. And the mattress doesn't feel all dusty. Someone cleaned this all up.

  I had a sudden realisation, so I touched my face in hopes of those smeared blood are gone. Thankfully, they are, leaving my face all smooth. But it wasn't time to thank whoever cleaned me. I have to find out to see what is happening outside that door.

  And as if on cue, the door knob twisted. The door creaked open and it revealed Anne. Said person was surprised as she saw me staring at her wide eyed but she soon smiled and greeted, "Good morning, Princess."

  "Ah, yes..." I looked around again. "Good morning, Anne, but... may I ask?" She responded with a hum. "Um—I... How.. how come I'm in the... the..." I said as I soon forgot wherever I am, my hands gesturing in a spinning motion as if the word would come back.

  "In the east wing?" Anne answered for me. My face lightened up and I snapped my fingers at her, "Yes! The east wing! Why am I here?"

  Anne was about to answer but both of us got startled by the sudden thump and the cry of my name outside the door, the muffled voice familiar to my ears.

  Anne promptly opened the door and revealed Clay with his fist up with a bright face with two other men behind him, namely Sapnap and George with a similar expression as Clay's.

  As I saw Clay running at me, I saw Anne bow in respect at the three princes and left the room to respect privacy. It was then, I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug and my eardrums would've popped if I hadn't flinched away when my puppy of a brother yelled into my ear, "You're awake!"

  I laughed as George said, "You are going to crush her, Cornelius. Let her breathe, she just woke up." Clay followed what George said and let go, "Yeah, right. Sorry." I smiled at him and I noticed how clean and patched up they are.

  "Wait, is the war over?" I said with a smile. Behind, Sapnap flexed his muscles and responded with pride, "Yep, pretty easy, if I do say so myself." That brought a snicker out of the others and he said, "What?! You don't believe me?!"

  That sentence brought Clay into his "iconic" tea kettle laugh. And George, fighting off a laugh escaping, he said "Says—heh, says the one who slipped entirely on a very, very visible leg! How—hAHA! How come you didn't see it?!" and he also turned into a fit of laughter.

  It wasn't supposed to be funny but from seeing how hard George and Clay laughed, that turned my sheepish smile into a hole of laughter. An unlady-like wheeze came out my mouth and I have never seen Sapnap's face turn so offended.

  "Fine, if you're going to laugh at me, I'm leaving." Thus, he turned around and starts to walk away but I stopped him whilst trying to stop myself from laughing. "Wait—hAH! Wait, wait, wait. Wait! Stay—hehehe!"

  That stopped him from leaving and return to his friends who are dying from laughter, with their hands clutching their stomachs hard and beet-red faces. That must be so painful, he thought.

  But seeing their happy faces, so contagious they may be, he couldn't help but chuckle. And the chuckle turned to a series of laughs and to a never-ending cycle of cackling at nothing.

  The once empty, lonely and soundless room had turned into a room of joyous laughs and tears. All because the childhood friends are back together.

Speaking: so here you go, a wholesome chapter after a chapter full of war, blood and shenanigans. and a longer chapter, sheesh me thumbs are tired.

and i just can't help but seem to notice that this book climbed up to a number of 4.36k views!!!

last chapter was at 3k!!! and now 4!! thank you so much reading this book!!

y'all are the bestt! be safe, be happy, don't forget to hydrate yourself, remember doing 50% of 100% of what things needed to be done is better than none, alright? don't push yourselves and have a FUCKING GREAT DAY, LOVE!!


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