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  A call to Father's office was made. Oh holy fucks, what is it now?

  I strolled slowly, just making time when Sapnap jumps out of nowhere. "Boo!" I jumped from shock and hit him on the shoulder. "You fucking shithead, you scared me!"

  "Alright, alright, I'm sorry." He raises his hands as if defeated and laughed. He draped his arm over my shoulder as I continued my journey. "So, where are you headed?"

  I sighed, "To my father's office." He smiled at my downed mood and pinched my cheeks, which resulted me saying a small "Ow."

  "Don't keep sighing like that. Did you know that everytime you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes?" he stated. I grumbled at the sudden wiseness of the prince.

  "Ughh, when did you decide to sound so old?" I retorted back. Because of that, he pinched my cheeks even more as he held a tight smile. "Now, now, Y/N. We don't say things like that, right?"

  "Oh god, please don't hurt me," I said jokingly. He instantly let go and rubbed my reddening cheeks, "Sorry, love. You're too cute to not squish."

  I whined as I sped–walked away to hide the blush that slowly creeps up. He yelled and ran for me before putting his arm around my shoulders once again. "Well, do you have time later?"

  I pondered for a second, "I'll see if Father doesn't pull up any tricks later on." The smile on his face widened into a grin. "Great! Well, I'll see you then!" And with that, he ran away.



  An uncomfortable silence dwells into the atmosphere as I sit with three silent men in a room. George beside me, and our fathers at front.

  I let my eyes wander around to distract me from the silence but when I met eyes with my father, I dropped my gaze onto my lap.

  I hear my father exhale, "You might be wondering why you two are being called here." George and I looked up as finally, someone broke the awkward silence. He and I nodded.

  "But before we get to that, I have a question," King Lucius cutted in when Father opened his mouth to speak. "Why in Igskehus' domain, are you acting like enemies?"

  Boom! He dropped the bomb.

  We both looked away with thinned lips, looking for an explanation for the situation. He doesn't sound mad at all, but judging by the tone, he needs answers this instant.

  A fleeting moment passed by and none of us still hadn't spoke a word. "Well?" Father pursued.

  Here goes nothing.

  "Uhm, Father... as you can see, we do not like the idea of being married to each other. We—George and I—are only friends."

  "We didn't want to tell you because... we thought it would upset you, and—uh, you have already made it public. So, we..." George stopped his words.

  "Pretended to hate each other so your marriage would break off?" Father finished the sentence. Way to go, Father.

  We lowered our heads in shame, "Yes."

  "Tell me," King Lucius leaned in, "Do you love each other as friends and nothing more?"

  "Yes." In sync, we answered. "Just friends, nothing beyond the line." I added.

  They nodded and looked at each other, probably thinking over the situation. After another awkward silence, they both stood up from their seats. I looked up as Father patted my shoulder, the same too with George and his father.

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