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  It's not stupid.

  Two weeks passed by after, Cornelius had found out that Sapnap and I had a challenge of annoying him a minute ago. And of course, he had to find out by eavesdropping on me and the fire prince bickering on how to do this and that.

  He was pissed, to say the least. He told us off that it was immature of us to do such thing. Sapnap, however, said that he always keeps his promises, even the most childish ones. I nodded at them.

  Sapnap then left because of a pathetic of an excuse that he was exhausted. That left Cornelius telling me it was stupid and he will not fall for it. He won't be giving us the satisfaction of him reacting. But knowing him, he won't be able to put that up, since I have to harmlessly involve someone in this.

  But I won't be using it regularly. Remembering he could and would be chasing me with that axe of his, nope. Just nope.

  My light footsteps echoed through the dark, quiet halls indicating as if I'm the only person in the vicinity. The full moon's bright light cascades down from the dark canvas and to the tall windows. The light created shadows on the floor from the solid window grid.

  Swaying through the halls with silent music, I danced around. Twirling with the moonlight shining upon me, light thunks of footsteps echoing in the silence. Gazing at the white flickering dots in the sky, no cloud in sight. Just the single pearl of light and its remnants spread across.

  As if life doesn't feel real. As if time stopped along with everybody and everything with the exception of me. A lone soul dancing through the eerie silence of the night.

  Approaching the familiar door of my quarters, I sighed and stepped in. The queen sized bed at my left and a vanity beside it. And beside the vanity was my walk-in closet. It was quite big which is a hassle for me. By my right was the door that lead to the washroom. Across the room was the glass door that separates the room and the balcony.

  Not bothering changing into my night gown, I headed for the balcony. A cold breeze flowed the moment I opened the door. Inhaling, I went to the metal rails and gazed at the cloudless night sky.

  About to exhale, I stopped as I heard a sigh above me. Panic flowed in me as hundreds of scenarios wacked in my brain. Could it be a theif? An assassin? Were they here to kill me? Even worse, were they here to kill my family?, were some of it.

  I tilted my head up, almost giving myself a whiplash. I only calmed down when I saw the Crowned Prince of Ignis sitting on the rails. One hand propped up on his knee while the other held him in place, the other foot dangling freely.

  "Prince, it is a surprise seeing you here," I called out. I saw his eyes widen and looked down. A small smile stretched on his face. He replied, "Fancy seeing you here too." My eyes has still not left him as I said, "I take it that's your quarters for now. How convenient it is that it's just above mine." He raised an eyebrow, "I see that you're not carelessly wandering in the castle in the dead of night." I shook my head, "I'm not as careless as you think I am, Sapnap." He only chuckled.

  My heart dropped when I saw his hand, that was propped on his knee, held the rails tightly and jumped off. He landed a thump on the balcony infront of me. "Holy shi- Sapnap! You could have slipped and fall!" I whisper–yelled. He chuckled again, "But I didn't, right?"

  "And I thought you said I was the careless one," I mumbled, pinching my nose bridge but loud enough for Sapnap to hear. "Anyway," he started off. "I thought you were asleep by now." Looking at him, his blazer was off, a white button up revealed from underneath. His pants had chains hanging, making clinking sounds whenever he moves.

  I rolled my eyes, "I thought you said you were exhausted." He snorted, "It's because I am."

  "Liar. If you were, then you wouldn't have jumped off." I said as I crossed my arms. He laughed lightly, "Alright, alright. You caught me. I left so Clay wouldn't yell at me." I scoffed, standing beside him, leaning towards, "Yet you left me with an angry Clay."

  "Ooh, that's rough. What happened?"

  "Eh, he only told me it was stupid and immature. That's fine, I'll just have to use–" I paused.

  "What?" Sapnap asked, confusion evident on his voice and face. I smirked and waved a hand, "Oh, nothing." He furrowed his brows, "What is it? Tell me." I just wanted to laugh at the desperation lacing his words but I held myself back.

  I paused for moment, gazing towards the starry night sky. I saw Sapnap in my peripheral vision following my eyes, silence taking over us.

  I unconciously smiled when I saw one stretching on the prince's face. I remembered all the times when I would think about this person's well-being. How I would wonder if he was taking care of himself. If he was eating alright. If he was doing okay under pressure.

  All that is related to Sapnap had plauged my mind throughout the years. But I'm still left to wonder, has Sapnap ever thought about us? Has he ever thought about our well-beings like we did?

  "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

  "Just... stuff."

  Sapnap left out a sigh and said, "Well, are you going to tell me the technique you're using on Clay?" I smiled again, remembering that he doesn't like soft things going on for too long except for his stuffed panda bear. But I turned my smile into a smirk, "Why would I? I don't want my own power against my brother be shared by anybody."

  "Even long time friends?" He whined.

  "Yes. Even long time friends." My smirk grew at the desperation in his voice. He pouted and crossed his arms with narrowed eyes at me, "You're not being fair."

  "I won that power fair and square."

  "Now you're just being mean."

  I faked gasped. I put a hand on my chest, faking the hurt expression on my face. "Me? Being mean?," I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my arms. "I'm just trying to protect my own secrets!" I whisper–yelled, still keeping a hushed voice.

  "Come on. Just this once?"

   I stared in disbelief as the Prince in front of me held his index finger up, indicating a 'one' as his other hand held it in place. Puppy dog eyes staring deep into my soul.

  I hesitated.

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