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  Leaning forward to seek more of the beauty hidden in the crowd, my crown slipped but thankfully, I had caught it in time but never did I leave my eyes from his figure.

  My heartbeat had seemed to envade my ears more than the orchestra's music. My body heat seemed to level up rather than the stuffiness of the room.

  Feeling rather uncomfortable in my own chair, I stood up and almost made a fool of myself by almost tripping.

  As if he felt laser eyes, he turned around and we locked eyes. A smile had began to appear and his eyes starts gleaming with joy. Ugh, my heart!

  How dare you, Sapnap! Why must you be so handsome?! How gave you the right to be this fine, bitch?! Bitch, tell me!!

  I felt like crying on the spot when his over-joyous expression remained when he weaved through crowd, pushing through the sea of nobles like a little puppy running towards its owner.

  But the wonderful view had been obscured by a woman. Perfectly lined eyes scanning me up and down like a hawk.

  A very appealing figure, I must admit. She donned a sleek, black dress that had a slit at the chest and an open back which the skirt then flowed down freely to her heeled feet. What sits on her right hand is a glass of red wine. But, what makes her so eye–catchy is her black lipstick and her purple hair.

  I nervously laughed as the woman swirled the wine and downed it all in one big gulp. Eyes once again scanned my whole body before speaking with an even slick voice and a thick accent. "So... you're the princess?"

  "Erm, yes." I nodded. She hummed and spoke again, "You're too pretty for that title. Should be titled 'goddess'."

  I think you should be the one to be titled 'goddess'.

  I shook my head and asked, "And you are..?" Her expression turned from sexy to utter realisation as she took one step back and replied, "Oh, right! My name is Minx." She then added a wink after her sentence.


  "Just Minx, sweetheart."


  I let out a giggle when she dramatically flipped her hair. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Princess, but I have to go." I smiled and nodded. "Buh-bye!" she said as I watched her figure disappear into the crowd.

  Startled by the loud voice of the speaker, I went on the dais as told. I was baffled by George also being called too, but I didn't mind it. I stood by my father's left with King Lucius on his right and George by his father's right.

  "Now," my father's booming voice echoed across the room. "I have an announcement to make before the first dance of the night."

  Everyone had gathered around to hear whatever the King would say. "We have been in an alliance with the two kingdoms that had aid us through the war happened not so long ago. An alliance that had been present for over 60 decades."

  Ah, there's the Watson family. Hello!

  "And to strengthen this alliance, both King Arthur and I had decided to carry on this alliance further more by joining in with marriage with Prince George and Princess Y/N."


  Horror ran through my veins as I looked at my father and I saw George with the same expression. Mouth agape and eyes, Father looked at me with sad eyes of some sorts and comforted me by rubbing my back. I didn't know how to react so I gave him a crooked smile and turned my gaze to the crowd and eventually, to a man who had the same expression as George and I as the two kings continued their speech.

  It morphed to hurt when he tilted his head down but forced a smile when he looked up at me again. Sap... My eyes widened and it felt like hands were crushing my heart.

  "Now with all that out of the way, why don't we let these two have a dance?" The crowd cheered and the two kings stepped back. My head craned towards George, who already held his shaky hand out. Tracing it back to his face, he tried to keep his expression neutral—which was successful—but looking close enough, you can see his face wavering.

  Reluctantly, I held out my hand and grabbed his. With discomfort subtlety hid, he led me to the center of the room where all eyes would be upon us.

  With a bow, I put my left hand on George's shoulder as he held me by the waist and the other free hands were held high.

  We swayed to the music. Usually, violins would make the scene more romantic in people's eyes but for us... no. Just, no.

  Whilst waltzing around, I broke eye contact to timingly land my eyes on Sapnap. A sad expression was written masked by a neutral face and my heart clenched. He was alone, just leaning on the walls. I can't handle seeing him in this state so I whisked my eyes away and onto George's.

  But the man's eyes was also eyeing someone in the crowd. He looked away when he gave me a spin to match the climax of the music. When back to waltzing, I saw the person George was eyeing. Oh, Clay.

  As the music calmed down to a stop, everyone clapped as George held my hand and kissed it. We bowed to each other and left the spotlight as other people went and piled in for it is their turn to dance.

  Looking for a person, I kept whisking my neck to look for him. I went to search and one of the windows—just ways away from the door—was left ajar.

  I inspected it and saw him leaning on the rails, head hung low. The moon's illuminating light just perfectly fits the atmosphere around him. I took small, quiet steps to not disturb the man. I sighed and copied his position and eventually looked up at the stars.

  He flinched away and calmed down after seeing it was me. He sighed, too, and gazed at the moon. Silence fills the air for a moment.

  "So..." he started.


  He took a glimpse of me and started to scratch a non-existent itch at the back of his head. "So, I guess you're married to George now, huh?"

  A tinge of hurt was laced in his tone and I felt like falling apart at the sight. "Sap, you know it was not my choice." I explained. My grip on the rails had slowly tighten, veins starting to pop out.

  He sighed and gazed up to the moon again, "Yeah, I know. I know."

Speaking: alright! we are now married to george! isnt that a dream come true?!

ahemm! wrong timeline, bitch! we want the fine man sapnap.

but, let me inform you! the story is ending. maybe 2 or 3 chapters more and woosh! end! fireworks all around!!

lets not be too sad because we have another mcyt waiting in line for 2 years now and his patience is not something we should toy around.

so celebrate!!! yaaayyyyy!! jk but fr, thank you for reading this story and the confidence you gave by helping me reach 11.1k views!! mind blowing, bitchh!!!

love you all and take care!


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