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  Staring down the dark stairwell that leads to the dark, murky dungeons, a person approached me, creating a slick, smooth voice.

  "Your Highness. Don't mean to be rude but... what are you doing here?"

  Sir Samuel or preferably called Sam. He has dark green hair which, oddly enough, complimented his black eyes with white irises. His slightly tanned body was covered in golden armor and glowing blue trident by his hand. The most noticeable feature about him is his gas mask, securely blocking the view of his lower face. He has a pretty odd job, though. Being the head of militia and being the warden was hard enough as it is.

  "Eh, I just want to visit the boys—I mean—uh—the new trio that—erm—came in," I staggered, not really used to calling them 'the boys' outside my head. Sam's face morphed into a thinking state and then he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, creating a face I chuckled at.

  "Alright. There are guards in there, by the way. And—uh—be careful," he said, letting me in without a problem to which I was geniunely surprised at. I thanked Sam and went in.

  After passing a few cells and occasionally got catcalled by criminals and guards that stopped them from doing so, I finally reached the teenagers' cell.

  Clearing my throat, they all looked at the person boringly and lighten up as they saw that it was me, who let them stay at this claustrophobic space for a short amount of time.

  The brunet, who I remembered as Tubbo, came running for me with sparkles in his eyes. "Thank you for saving us back there! You were really awesome!," he exclaimed with a high tone, clutching the bars with his two hands and eyes beaming. My heart swelled with warmth by the kid's words.

  Looking closer at him now, he has light blue eyes and a few scars had ran along his face. He was wearing a forest green polo and blue jeans. I noticed the little stubby horns poking out of his brunet hair which was endearing to see. Waving a hand, I respond, "Please, don't worry about it. I just simply opened their eyes to what their anger had blinded them."

  "But still, you were so cool!," he said, holding his arms out. "You were like fighting them with your wise words!," he continued as he punched the air to his right.

  I giggled at the boy's enthusiasm despite being locked in a cell. Then a deep, almost monotone voice awkwardly spoke up, "Yeah, thank you... for—erm—defending us, y'know," Ah, the hybrid. Presumably, Ranboo, looking down and scratching the back of his neck.

  Scanning his frame, he is quite, erm, thin and tall. He face is split into two colors: black on his right and white on his left that all cascades down to his feet (I think). He also has heterochromatic eyes, green on the right and red on the other side. A golden crown with different colored gems embedded on it sat atop of his hair. He wears a dark grey suit with a red tie, seemingly the most formal outfit of the trio.

  His gaze then lead up to the last person in the room and called, "Tommy?," Looking up by the call of his name, Thomas—or Tommy—looked away grumpily and locked his eyes at the back wall and mumbled, "Thanks, I guess...," almost incoherently.

  His figure isn't very much alike a Duke's son. A simple red and white shirt and beige pants hugged his body. Disheveled hair and his faint blue eyes adored on his still grumpy face. Skin tattered with scratches—in fact, not only Tommy has scratches but all of them have. I guess it did justice to them stating that they lived in a small, unsteady shack in the woods.

  Tubbo frowned by his friend's lack of gratitude, "Come on, Tommy. You should at least do it properly," Tommy grumbled, not really liking his friend's words. "Yeah, Tommy. Thank her. She is the princess," Ranboo butted in, whispering the last sentence as his eyes are still locked on the grumbling kid.

  Tommy grumbled again and said, "Thank you, Princess. We, uh, owe you one." I smiled at his words and said, "It's fine. You don't owe me. I just did it beacause you are still young and I don't want you three to be set off in exile, neither does your family."

  "But still...!" Tommy exclaimed, "If it weren't for you, that fire prince could have roasted our heads off!" I guess he is just as grateful as his friends but just played it off coolly as if it wasn't big of a deal.

  What a kid.


  Conversing in the dungeons with the boys and sitting on the dirty, damp floor, we actually had fun despite in a place where criminals are stored. Tommy and Tubbo had laughed at what Ranboo had said and are now laying on the floor, clutching their stomachs.

  "Holy–! What the fuck, Ranboo–?!," he stopped himself as he laughed uncontrollably. Tubbo, who tries to talk despite laughing hard, spoke up.

  "Wha–!," he laughed. "Holy shit! What the fuck?!" he laughed again.

  I'm still quite surprised how much swear words these two use. It's almost like they use it in every sentence they speak. I shook my head, smiling as I did. I'm glad that they're comfortable around me in such a short amount of time despite me being a royal, and despite being in a dungeon.

  Ranboo looked at me with a small smile and shrugged. I let out a small laugh and he did too. I stopped my laugh as Tommy started to cough from laughing way too much. Tubbo, without remorse, just laughed at his friend.

  He coughed again, putting a palm against his chest, heaving heavy breaths, and furrowed brows. My face scrunched up into confusion. This isn't supposed to be an aftermath of a whole minute of laughing. Tubbo and Ranboo had fear written across their faces as they rushed towards Tommy's side.

  "Oh Notch, it's happening again!"

  "Wait. What's happening?! Is he alright?!"

   "No," Ranboo said, worry lacing his words. "His blood pressure is low."

  Oh Notch.

  I scrambled to my feet and dart to staircase and head to the kitchen hoping to clear whatever situation Tommy is in.

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