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  Niki sat me down and went to somewhere to fetch me some pastries she made. I have always admired her danishes. They are top tiered, if you ask me.

  As expected, she came back with a plate full of pastries. Danishes, macarons, chouquettes and of course a drink to down it all in the throat. She settled it down and dove right in when it was within my reach. I heard Niki giggle but was too busy savoring the food.

  Gulping the food down the throat, I glanced at Niki. "How have you been?," I greeted. She let out another giggle and answered, "I've been fine. How about you?" I gave her a smile, "I'm good."

  She played with a little macaron and swirl it around the plate, a frown visible on her face. "How about the boys? Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo, I mean." Ah, she's worried about them. Maybe I should tell her that I'm the one taking care of them. "They're fine and well," she visibly relaxed. "Although, Tubbo, despite being in a cell, he is quite cheery."

  "Yes, yes. He is," she said as bright smile appeared on her face. "Poor kid, though. His mother is on a trip while the son is in jail." I held a sad smile, thinking all the times I wished my mother was with us. "What about Ranboo?," I changed the topic.

  "He's quite interesting. I have never seen a hybrid before. Let alone an enderman." Niki hummed and munched on a chouquette, "I agree. It's just that when Tommy was a child–."

  "He still is." I let out an off–hand comment. The girl across me laughed lightly as I joined her. "What I'm saying is... is that when Tommy was ten, he found Ranboo shivering in the rain." The rain? Isn't Ranboo supposed to get injured because of it?

  I didn't realize that my thoughts slipped out of my mouth when Niki shook her hands frantically, "No, not like he was in the rain, he was under a tree when it rained!" I released an long 'ohhh' after the explanation. She cleared her throat and resumed, "So Tommy told—well, more like insisted his father, the Duke, to let Ranboo stay in with them."

  "And yes, Ranboo did get injured but it wasn't severe. There were mild burns on his body, first degree burns, might I say. But we assumed that the other part of his entity was the reason why he didn't get fully burned by the rainwater."

  "You don't know what his other part is?"

  "We have no clue. Philza had hired some people to at least find a clue on what his other half is but none of them had found out because they didn't have the tools to do it and Ranboo doesn't want to be tested. But some of them had assumed that his other half is a ghast."

  "A ghast?" I questioned and she nodded. "That doesn't make any sense! A ghast and an enderman producing Ranboo?! That's wierd!" As soon as I finished my little confusion, Niki cackled loudly. I furrowed my brows, "What?"

  She wiped a tear that dared to fall, struggling to catch oxygen. "Oh, Y/N! Oh Notch, I've heard of people saying that Ranboo has a ghast and an enderman as parents but you interpreting it as Ranboo a product of two mobs like that..." she stopped as she laughed again. I raised my hands, "What?! It's weird!"

  "Imagine! A ghast flies around and spotted a wandering enderman. The ghast floats down and like, "Hey! Whatcha doin' wandering 'round these parts?" looking all smugly and the enderman goes like, "Just walking around, nothing much." Then they hung out later on and time skip to years later, they..."

  I gestured my hands to something that would form rumours if I wasn't careful. Niki continued to cackle as I continued to do the gestures. "And then BOOM!, Ranboo!" The girl laughed and laughed until I joined later.


  A few more hours have been spent in Niki's bakery. Talking and laughing at some occasions.

  "Alright, but I really need to go now." I stated and stood up with Niki following suit. "Yeah, I think you should." she said as a sad smile appeared on her face. I would predict that we wouldn't see each other for the time being again given of our schedules. Can't do anything with that.

  "Hey, before I do go, can you pack some of these to bring for the boys?" I said as I gestured around random pastries. Niki's face seemed to brighten about the idea as she ran inside a door and came back out with a basket.

  Different types of bread were stuffed into the basket but I couldn't see since she has them in in a blink of an eye. The only things that I caught were eclairs and chouquettes.

  "Here!" she said as she shoved the basket towards my chest. I couldn't help but laugh lightly at the girl's eagerness. "They haven't tasted my goods for a while now so it was a good idea of you to remind me!" I waved a hand, "I bet they missed eating these."

  "Oh, I'm sure. Everytime if they could, they would come here three times a day."

  Wow. I mean I agree Niki's baking is god–tiered but I didn't expect the trio would do something like that.

  "Welp, I better get going! I'll see you, Niki!" I waved a hand goodbye at the girl who was doing the same gesture. "Yes. Bye! Oh, and thank you for coming by!" I smiled while balancing the hanging basket on my forearm

  As I pulled the door open, the jingle of the bell was muffled by the sound of a sudden boom. Oh shit.

  I looked at my left to see a chunk of building gone and fire erupted within while dust floats around innocently. Shouts echoed throughout the place. Half are panicked and the other were victorious.

  The victorious shouts lured me to look at the sources and felt my stomach churn and tighten to see sickly pale skins covered in dark suits. Eyes cold peircing green. Hands wrapped tightly around their axes and crossbows. Pillagers. Vindicators. Evokers. Ravagers.

  Shit, this is a raid!

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